
Why does my dad hate my so much ):?

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i just don't get why he hates me i miss him me and my mum never talk about it so its never brought up in a conversation :( i just don't get why he hates me when ever i call him he never answers the phone its not like he working late hours because he works like 9 - 4 so i call at a reasonable time and he only calls me when he doesn't have a girl friend and that's when he remembers he has a daughter but I'm normally out like round my friends or at a party and I'm not going to drop or my plans for him he never does :( this for me so why should i do it ? its so hard growing up without a father figure like when i see my friends and there dad there mum brother sister i just get jealous because i wish i had that :( does anyone else have this problem?? or is it just my use less father?




  1. my kids dad is just like that too. Only calls or sees them when he has the "time" on his terms not theirs. Basically, your dad doesn't know what he is truly missing out on and it's his lose, not yours. Sorry that he is this way and wish I could help you change him but he won't change for anyone or anything. He puts himself first and everything else is an "after thought". This could have been part of the reason your mom and him split.

  2. honey if your dad wants to act that way then that's his problem. You just need to straight up to him and ask him what the deal is. Then if he won't talk to you tell him don't but he's going to miss out on a great daughter. Hun if he's just going to treat you like your nothing then don't pay any attention to him.It's probably going to be really hard but no one should treat their daughter like that.

  3. you know honey people go thur this and it is very hard. my dad left  us all nine of us kids. you have to  go on and think well maybe he will grown up maybe not. but believe me racking your brains out is not going to work enjoy what you got now a mom that loves you and friends that is all you really need.. it will be hard but remember you will be loved by someone and really isn't that all you need. you sound like one of these days you will be happy with the man you choose be happy smile it looks good on you good luck always

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