
Why does my dad think im spoiled?

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yesterday we were watching that show about those spoiled rich girls going to a diff country

and my dad makes lots of money cause hes a psychiatrist

and he buys me whatever i want

i ALWAYS say thank you

and he said i should go to a country like africa to see how they live.

and i was like daddy why?

and he said i have things way to easy

we have a maid and she helps me with everything

but even though he gets me everything i dont think im spoiled..

but he says i am

i get really good grades and dont get in big trouble

what do you thnk??//




  1. ur spoiled

    i dont blame the guy u get WATEVER u want and u have a maid and ur bloody confused

    ur an id!ot

  2. When you get whatever you want, you're spoiled.  People who aren't spoiled have to work for what they want - they don't just get it handed to them.  Being spoiled has nothing to do with getting good grades, staying out of trouble or saying thank you for things you receive.

  3. Stop asking your father for things and tell him he needn't buy you anything other than necessities and prove to him you can survive without having EVERYTHING you want.

    Get a job and earn your own money to buy things.

    Help around the house and don't rely on your maid for everything.

  4. You are spoiled. Sooner of later your dad will cut you off and tell you if you want something you have to work for it.

  5. You are spoiled! If he buys you whatever you want, that's called being spoiled, so? you say thank you. That's not a big issue, the fact is you get what you want when you want it. You should go to Africa and see how people live. Also, quit asking him for stuff, the more you ask for the more spoiled you're going to come across. Just be happy with what you have. I live paycheck to paycheck, and I didn't have a lot as a teenager, so you're lucky daddy foots the bill because one day you're gonna be on your own, and daddy isn't going to be around to pay the way. And you're going to be in deep trouble. By the way, I'm 23 and in college!

  6. im not saying ur spoilded, but u have a really good life!  maybe say thank u a couple hundered more times. and try giving the maid a breaktime, u could make breakfast for ur dad or sumthing, show him that u are totally capable of doing things urself, and that u apprieciates him.  but id love ur life. if i want anything= i have to work my butt off mowing lawns, walking dogs, cleaning to earn a couple bucks!

  7. do as you daddy tells you go to a POOR country and live like they do,could be fun for you (for 2 days), then see how you feel>

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