ok, i have a 6 month old baby girl.named Gracie. Recently, Gracie cries when her daddy holds her. She doesnt mind if he plays with her while i hold her or if he plays with her while she is laying down, but if he picks her up she starts screaming. I went visit a good friend of mine from high school and it was the first time she has seen Gracie. I let her hold her and she was fine. She will let complete strangers hold her, but not her dad? why is this?
she hasnt always been like this, but in the past two weeks she just doesnt want her dad to hold her! Like, my husband will bathe her and she is fine, but if he picks her up to try to get her out of the tub, she screams. if he takes her out her car seat, she screams. For some odd reason, she doesnt want her dad to hold her. why?