
Why does my daughter do this? is this normal?

by Guest63399  |  earlier

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ok, i have a 6 month old baby girl.named Gracie. Recently, Gracie cries when her daddy holds her. She doesnt mind if he plays with her while i hold her or if he plays with her while she is laying down, but if he picks her up she starts screaming. I went visit a good friend of mine from high school and it was the first time she has seen Gracie. I let her hold her and she was fine. She will let complete strangers hold her, but not her dad? why is this?

she hasnt always been like this, but in the past two weeks she just doesnt want her dad to hold her! Like, my husband will bathe her and she is fine, but if he picks her up to try to get her out of the tub, she screams. if he takes her out her car seat, she screams. For some odd reason, she doesnt want her dad to hold her. why?




  1. my niece did the same thing cause her daddy grew a beard  or mustache the facial hair can really hurt to a baby

  2. My daughter went through stages when she would prefer mom over dad or vice versa for a few weeks at at time.  So long as he understands it's not personal, it should pass.

  3. My 2nd was this way.  She still is to some extent, very specific on who she will interact with- she's 4 now.  For her 1st year, it was only me, never daddy, not if we didn't want to have a lot of crying.  He'd get frustrated and upset that she didn't 'like' him.    It's not that at all, its a normal developmental phase.  Perhaps she feels more comfortable with women right now, other 'mommy' types.  

    Don't let him give up.  Someday it will pass, sooner or later.  Also, it may help if you disappear for awhile.  She may cry more when you are in the room or in sight.  Go out for an hour or so and let them have time to bond.  It is surprisingly how quickly they can adjust when the mommy isn't around.  :)

  4. Sometimes we men are a little rougher then we realize. He may be holding her too tight or maybe he is a smoker and the baby doesn't like his smell. Babies are sensitive to things we are used to so he needs to be more aware of how he is appearing to the child. It's all about comfort and security to them. He does need to resolve this soon because these are bonding years. Good luck

  5. Normal.  Kids go through anti-dad/pro-mom and anti-mom/pro-dad phases.  It could be something different about him, the smell of the soap he uses, etc., or it could just be a random passing phase.

    Don't read a lot into it, and definitely don't have dad spend less time with her (more time would probably solve the problem faster).  I bet the problem will disappear in a month or less, and one day you may find that you're the parent who's in the doghouse (in which case you can take advantage of it and go take a nap).

  6. Is it just daddy or any man?

    My daughter went through a phase where she would NOT be held by men.  Any woman was fine, but no men.  She grew out of it quickly.

  7. It is probably just a phase.  I know how your husband daughter went through a similar thing where she didn't want ME!!  All she wanted was her Daddy and she would scream if I tried to take her away from him.  Talk about breaking a mother's heart!  When she was sick, she wanted him.  When she was hurt, she wanted him.  I thought I was going to lose my mind.  She slowly came around and, even though I know she still prefers him a little more, she gives almost equal love to both of us now.  

    Make sure your husband gets lots of fun time with her.  when she gets hurt, let him make it all better...even if it means you have to leave the room (I know, it will kill you but he needs this).  She will come around.  Truth of it is- she loves him but right now loves you more!  I know you are grinning :o) but you need to help cultivate the relationship with her daddy.  Continue to assure him that it is ONLY a phase and one day she will be "daddy's little girl' and you will be left in the corner (I don't think this will really happen but you can tell him that anyway!).

    Good luck!  At least she isn't breaking your heart by rejecting you like mine did (after she gave me stretch marks and hemorrhoids!!!). LOL

  8. All babies go through phases and this is completely normal. Give it a few weeks, she'll be totally over it. My duaghters and son did the same thing. It drove my husband crazy, but it all turned out fine in a few weeks time. Good Luck! Expect more odd behavior and favoritism around 18 mos.

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