
Why does my daughter have grey hair....aged 2?!?

by  |  earlier

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The only people in her family with grey hair are her nanna and her daddy (both in their 50's) so I can't see how it can be genetic or owt.

It is a medium brown colour and the grey is very noticible. Any ideas?




  1. Going gray is simply loss of pigmentation. But I would ask her doctor for certain, as you want to make sure she doesn't have signs of albinism.

  2. Is it like a patch? Or just ONE STRAND?

    maybe there's a skin problem that causes hair to be that color.

    See her pediatrician.

  3. prob just a dirty blonde or something have the dr look

  4. It is probably just a blonde color.

  5. ach - don't worry about it.

    my daughter started getting greys at the same age.  when she was 7, she had a noticeable thick tress of grey running from the crown of her head. it actually looked pretty cool, put up against the reds, brown, blacks, and blondes of the rest of her hair.  how devastated was i when she went and cut off the waist-length mass and had it bleached?  i was LIVID!

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