
Why does my daughter prefer to be with her father ?

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she's 6 and she loves to be with her father, at night when she's afraid of something, she prefers to be with him.

Why? I'm her mother!. I'm 26 and my husband 29, we're very young. Greetings from Wales, UK!




  1. maybe he makes her feel safe, how sweet :)

  2. I can only be honest with you and say that it's probably because he makes her feel safe and loved. When I was a child and I was scared of the dark, it would have been my father I called for too.

  3. Don't assume a mother is automatically the one who a child should trust in all situations, after all a father is a parent too.  Plus it  may not mean what  you think.

    In my case my daughter wanted to imitate her mother in everything at that age.  And if she saw her mother trust her father when she was insecure she would imitate that too!  So while I don't know your circumstances it may be the reason she wants to be with her father when she feels she is in danger is because she gets that same sense from her mother.

    I think that as a girl gets older she imitates her mother more and more and this includes trying to get more attention from her father sometimes.

  4. Because from the day she was born men and women have been acting the roles that our society is based on. The media, family, friends etc tend to give men and woman different positions within the family..mum is the nurturing one and dad is the protector. Dad protects the family...think of all the films, tv that she has seen where this is reinforced. In fact we probably reinforce the stereotypes ourselves.I know I do..if there is a noise in the garden late at night I send him off to investigate etc

    I am sure there are many times when only mum can help. You don't say if you work..perhaps she wants her dad cos she hasn't seen him all day.

    Hope this helps

  5. My daughter is two and a half and if her dad is around she is the one she goes to when she hurts herself. Even if I stand there with open arms, she will run staright past me to her dad. She gives him lots of kisses and cuddles and goes nuts when he gets home. When | get home from work, I basically have to switch the tv off or take make her stop what she is doing so that I can get a cuddle. In the beginning I was quite jealoous of this relationship (like you, I am thinking, i am her mother, why not me) but I do believe in a couple of years, it could change and then hubby will feel "left out". Your daughter is also at the age of identifying with the male and female roles and perhaps being with her daddy when she is afraid, makes her feel safer because that is traditionally the "protective figure". Just try and find another way to bond with her that would be yours and hers special a secret code for a cuddle / kiss

  6. Girls are normally Daddy's Girls.  My daughter adores being with her father but I understand that completely because so did I.

  7. Children go through phases when they become more clingy to the opposite s*x (her dad) but only out of curiosity.

    Or maybe he's just a great dad! =D xoxox

  8. My daughter is exactly the same, she's only 2 1/2, I've been seperated from her Mum over a year and only see her weekends, but she absolutely adores me (which is great for me of course). It doesn't mean anything, she still loves her Mum, she's just a Daddy's girl. I'm sure things will change as she gets older!

  9. Because her mother asks people's advice on Yahoo Answers...

  10. my 4 year old daughter is a daddys girl anytime she hurts herself its always her daddy she goes to its just a wee girl thing

  11. It's the opposite in this house, our daughter prefers to be with me for comfort and with her dad for fun, so I think its perfectly normal for each parent to have a particular role in the eyes of the child.  It also might be because he is physically bigger than you and this might give her comfort when she is frightened.

  12. It's no big deal really. It just depends on the child. My oldest daughter, when she was that age, she wanted nothing to do with me. Everything was mommy, mommy, mommy. I dont know why but she just preferred her mother. My youngest daughter wanted ONLY me. For everything. She'd walk in the room and come right over to me. If she had a bad dream, she called for me. When she cried, she came to me. She's still very very close to me, but she grew out of that clingy stage. Your daughter will too. It's a little discouraging now but it will change.

  13. its because children of such age are truely afraid of the dark and in there mind they feel secure and unharmed with there father its a natural phenomina.

  14. chemistry. Some people are genetically designed to like certain people. Dont take it personally its in the dna.  

  15. I have two girls and with every girl i get i move further down the list both girl are daddy`s girls i don`t mind i kander like their dad as well if something goes wrong or i need help i turn to him maybe they see that and think if mum does it he must be good ... but I am 32 and still a daddys girl and so is my older sister I love my mum v v much and when i get fed up of the girl wanting their dad over me i just think i love my mum they do love.. and they do  

  16. as a child you always see the male as the protective one and feel safe dont worry when she gets older and wants to do girly thing like going shopping she wont leave you alone you might want to talk to her and see if there is any thing that she is scared off that mabey she thinks only her daddy can make better some kids change as they get older back and forth from one to the other !! x

  17. that depends maybe she is just  a "daddy's girl" maybe she feels more safe/secure with her father since he is a man . children tend to be very possessive over their parents. while this may hurt your feeling remember its about her and what makes her feel safe. plus your going to have her teen years with her comming to you about mensration and depending how open you are relationships etc. girl stuff. so dont fret  .

  18. hello fellow welsh babe! i wouldnt worry about it to much. my 6 yr old daughter prefers my hubby, where as my 7 yr old son would rather me put him to bed. my 2 yr old - well, that all depends on who has fed him the most biscuits during the day. why dont you try going with him at night if he goes to her and both have a cuddle with her? then maybe he can say he needs the loo or something and give you girls some time alone before he returns? you dont want to push to hard....honestly dont worry, it is only a phrase.

  19. shes a daddys girl thats cute dont worry your time will come

  20. its no big deal kids usually favour one parent for lots of reasons be happy that your girl has such a good relationship with her dad-this doesnt make u an inferior parent

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