
Why does my dog's breath smell so bad?

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He eats good quality dry dog food, and gets the occasional piece of fruit or vegetable, like apple cores, carrot ends, pieces of banana, orange segments etc... But his breath smells like sh*t. It's really disgusting and I would like to know what's causing it. Any help would be great.




  1. you still have to brush em', but even if you do that i'm sure they would still smell. lol.

  2. hi,

    By the tender age of three, more than 80 percent of dogs show signs of gum disease, according to the American Veterinarian Dental Society. It's no surprise, then, to learn that two-thirds of dog owners aren't giving their pets the recommended dental care.

    If left untreated, gum disease leads to tooth decay and tooth loss. Other problems, such as a chipped or fractured tooth, can cause infection, which may necessitate extracting the tooth. Worse still, untreated problems can have a domino effect on overall health, leading to heart, lung, and kidney disease.

    here's more info:

    hope this helps.

  3. you have to brush your dogs teeth.

    if you feel unconfortable then you can always take him to the groomer, to take care of that.

  4. Some dogs tend to suffer from that (and their owners, too:). You may try brushing the teeth (it didn't help to my dogs), having the tartar removed (didn't help us either), try to give him chew toys (no effect) or just get used to it.

    Of course, you must check whether it is not caused by some health problem, but I guess you did that...  

  5. My dogs did too until I did this:  give them dental bones to chew on and treats that are formulated to help bad breath.  Also, make sure he is not eating his own poo poo.  I know, it is gross, but some dogs do that.  If he is, check with a pet store or vet.  There is some kind of stuff you can put in his food that will not hurt him, but will keep him from eating his poo.

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