
Why does my dog's eyes water so much?

by Guest60789  |  earlier

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Is his eyes infected? Is it normal? Is he ok? plz help.




  1. YES its ok ;) both of my dogs eyes water and its from allergies. If its staining under your dogs eye, take a cotton ball with a SMALL amount of peroxide and rub it not getting it in the dogs eye. I do that 2 times a day.

    =] hope this helps

  2. ask a vet some breeds eyes ater more than others, some have allergies some have an eye infection or something irritating the eye

  3. If he has gunk coming out the eye and it's swollen his eye is infected. Bring hiim to the vet and they'll give you some eye drops.

  4. He could just have allergies.  I'd call and ask your vet.

  5. I think he has allergies you can call a vet and sometimes they tell you you can give him medication but make sure you call a vet before you give him anything

  6. Not sure have they always been like that? Are they red? Have you called your vet and asked them? Some breeds its normal others its allergies. Ask your vet.

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