
Why does my dog eat dirt?

by  |  earlier

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i have 4 labs and they all scratch the dirt so they can eat it. their ages are from 1yr to 4 yrs. is it a vitamin deficiency?




  1. It is most likely a behavioral problem, like dogs and just digging in general. Also like dogs eating grass, that is actually a behavioral problem too.

  2. i have lab puppy'ss too,and the mother,and litter do the same thing.they dig to get in the cool ground when its out,and they like to eat roots,because it has water in them.

  3. it is a behaviour problem. you shouldnt let them do it because you dont know what is in the dirt. i took my dog to the beach for his 1st birthday, and he has never seen sand in his life, and he was rubbing his face in the sand for like 10 minutes. i had to bring him tot he picnic area so he wouldnt do it anymore. the next day, he took three poops within five minutes, and they were big for a shih tzu. when i cleaned it up, it was all sand! he's not sick, he is fine, but you never know what could be in it.

  4. More than likely it's a deficiency of minerals.

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