
Why does my dog growl and wag her tail at the same time?

by Guest66634  |  earlier

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Lately in the mornings when I wake up she'll be lying in the living room, and she'll start wagging her tail and rolling on her side for me to pet her belly. But then when I pet her, she growls like she wants me to go away.




  1. that means ur dog wants to play with you. and shes excited.

  2. Maybe hes just saying

    Hey don't pet me there i don't like it...

    Try doing it under his collor

  3. Your dog might be playing a game with you. Maybe try different way and see how he affects to it maybe give him a treat after or something like that your dog is most likely not that your dog want you to go away because his tail is wagging he might be enjoying you doing that and he makes a noise when you do it. Goog Luck!

  4. I don't really know.. It's hard to say without actually witnessing the behavior.

    It sounds like she submitting to you when she rolls over and exposes her tummy, but I don't see why should would submit and then give a warning growl..

    Also a wagging tail isn't always friendly. As my trainer says, "A dog will happily wag it's tail and bite you at the same time".

    You might be unconsciously doing something she is finding threatening. But as I said, it's hard to determine the reason, without seeing the behavior.


  5. It's the way they play, think about puppies rolling around growling and playing with one another.  She's treating you like a member of her pack.

  6. Tail wagging has been mistaken for happiness.  What it mean is excitement.  

    It may mean 'excited to see you came home', or excited to see a rabbit I want to chase', or 'excited because I get to guard my house from strangers'.  The idea that a wagging tail is a friendly dog has gotten many people bitten.  

    The tail wags in different ways for happy, aggressive, hunting, moods.  A low loose and relaxed wag is a happier wag.  If the tail is very high and stiff then this is an aggressive wag.  If the tail is tucked under and wagging then it is nervous excitement.  

    The dog is letting you know she is in charge by her behavior.  An Alpha dog walks away, a submissive "dog" goes to greet the Alpha.  You can't change her until you change.  Do not go to greet her anymore.  Ignore her.  When you feel she is showing interest, ask her to come to you instead.  You will find if you become the dominant or Alpha, she will treat you much better and become the sweet loving dog you want.  Take her for a leashed walk every day.  She should walk next to you.  It does not matter where you go or for how long as long as she walk with you not towing you as she does what she wants.  Again if she wants the walk, she has to come to you when you call her.

    Good luck, this may begin a new relationship with your dog!

  7. my family owns a cairn terrier and he sometimes does this too, but it's when he is running around and wagging his tail because we get him excited and he cant stand being teased. lol. But more or less he does is because he is excited.

    But has she ever tried to bite you when you did this? If not, i think shes just bored or else you arent doing what she wants you to do. Just try some different things to figure out whats going on.  

  8. mabye she just likes to lay on her belly? just leave her alone when she wants your attention she'll tell you...I've never heard of a dog doing this before....sorry this isn't that great of an answer =)

  9. Are you sure she is 'growling?' Sometimes, my dogs make a low, grunting noise. It sounds like a growl, but really they are just showing you some affection.  

  10. HAHA I DONT KNOW my Cocker Mix does that too!




    but he will growl with a toy or ball in his mouth while his tail is going CRAZY!

  11. She's probably trying to start a game with you, the growl is the challenge "come get me", but she's wagging her tail because she's excited anticipating a chase game.

    Dogs wag their tails for a lot of reasons, not just because they are happy.

  12. HI there!

    My dog does that too.

    If she is growling but doesn't not and is not biting you,  the its nothing to worry about. My dog does that as well, if I am petting her or something she will just growl for no reason, nothing bad is happening i'm not hurting her or anything and she will just growl no matter how long I pet her for and she's growling, she will  NEVER bite me tho.

    I think she might be either scared or just showing you who's boss, lol.

    Sorry i am not much help!!

    God bless you and Good luck!

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