
Why does my dog have a nasty odor coming from her behind? and why does she scoot her butt across the ground?

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My 2 year old puppy has a nasty odor that leaks from her butt. It makes little wet stains on the furniture. She also scoots her bottom across the ground. Why does she do this? What is causing the odor that comes from her bottom?




  1. It's her anal glands.  They must be "full" or causing her a problem.  If you take her to the vet they'll clean them for you and also show you how to do it.  I've never wanted to learn (it's nasty) so I take my dog into the groomers to have it done.  Dogs scoot on their  bottom to try to clear the blockage themselves.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  But if it works, what it will do is put all that secretion onto your carpet. And it's difficult to get the smell out if that happens.   Also, if they're not emptied they can abscess and burst open causing an open wound.  Before we realized the importance of it, this happened to my shih tzu.  Now she gets  bi-weekly trips to the groomer's or vet's.

  2. Her anal glands are probably full. You need to empty them.

  3. Its sounds like your dog does indeed need to have her anal glands drained. It should be done every few months for a dog, and can be done at home or at a local groomer. Most groomers do this with every appointment, but I would check with yours first to make sure. If you do decide to try and take care of it at home, be warned it can be very messy and a rather icky job to take on. When you squeeze the gland, the fluid tends to shoot out in a stream, so make sure she is in the bathtub with the shower curtain (or door) partially closed, and that you wear gloves. Also clean up your tub afterwards with bleach to kill the bacteria. Having your dogs anal glands drained is VERY important, if not done it not only is a nuisance, it can be toxic to your pet.

  4. It is her anal glands secreting.  I think you can get them drained.  

  5. Oh she has blocked anal glands. You need to go to the vet and they will clean them out for you, it smells awful but i guess it is worse for the dog! My poor dog had this a few times, luckily he has not had it recently. You dog may have had diarrhoea recently or a bad stomach upset which could be the result of the anal glands not excreting on their own.  

  6. i agree that the anal glands need doing.

    you can buy scoot from bichon hotel in future to stop this happening again

  7. sounds like yoyr dog has worms. i had a cat that did that exct thing and the vet said it was worms. he will need to go to vet for treatment. Odor probably has something to do with it also

  8. Her anal glands need cleaning, take her to the vet and they will show you how to do it if you want to learn to do it yourself.

    She is fine.

  9. your dog scoots her but across the floor to whipe it.

    shes whipping her butt.

  10. You need to take your dog to the vet and have her anal glands drained.  Don't worry, it does not hurt the dog - the vet will use their finger to do this - nothing funky.  I will warn you though, the smell in the examining room will be nasty!

    Once her glands are cleaned out, give your dog a carrot or two a day (my vet told me about this trick).  The fiber in the carrots will help keep your dog's glands clean and she will not smell like "butt" (that's what I call it).  My Cairn Terrier use to have gland issues and after I started giving her a couple of carrots a day - no more scooting, or butt smell.  I buy the carrots that are already cut and peeled.  The dog thinks she is getting a special treat and a big bag of carrots is less expensive then going to the vet a few times a month to have the dogs glands cleaned out.

  11. Your dog's anal glands need to be expressed.  If you have never done this before, you will want to take her to the vet or a dog groomer and have them do it, since you can injure the dog if it's not done correctly.  Not to mention the fact that it's nasty, so it is better to have someone else do it that doesn't mind the odor!  Her scooting across the floor, is her way of trying to clear the gland herself.  Here is a website where you can learn more about it...

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