
Why does my dog have to go to the bathroom so much?

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She is a year and a half old (spayed) and she goes to the bathroom REALLY often. Did spaying cause this or something else? How do you fix this?




  1. She may have a bladder infection.  She could have incontinence (she can't hold it).  She could have kidney stones.  Has she just been spayed?  If she is in pain, it may feel to her like she has to go a lot.  I doubt that the surgery actually did anything to cause this, but it is possible.  

    If you are that worried about it you should take her to your vet.  They can help a lot more than people on the internet.

  2. We have a yorkie female (not spayed) that pees ALLL the time. When we first got her (a year old, and not potty trained) she would stand outside for and hour with, hold it, then go as soon as you come in the house. She still pees all the time, and always has to have water  (although she goes outside now, and we don't have any more accidents in the house). I don't know what it is, but the vet didn't seemed bothered by it, and when she had her puppy she would only go outside twice a day (without any indoor accidents!).  

  3. Because of the way it eats probably or that's just the way its system works.

  4. if she was just spayed then that is a side effect.. if shes been spayed for a while then she might have an infection of some sort, best to take to the vet and have her checked out.

  5. dont keep food down all day just give it 3 meals a day and when it is finished take the food away because maybe she is eating to much this would keep her weight under control as well. tinned meat is 75 percent water so if you give it that make sure you mix it with dryed food aswell to help bind the food. this will make the food more substancial and will be better for your dog.if you are doing this already see your vet for advice. no spaying would not of caused this

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