
Why does my dog just stare at me and growl?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 4 1/2 Yorkie male......... and sometimes actually quite a lot he just sits there and growls at me......... he never does anything else, like he dosen't lunge at me or anything he just sits and stares and growls.... why is this??




  1. My baby barks at me when she wants something and I'm not paying attention. I think your Yorkie just growling at you is a dominance issue, like others have said. He thinks he owns the place and something you are doing is threatening that.  

  2. See now if a pitbull did this everyone's answer would be something to the effect of "because he is going to kill you" etc..  But, because he is a small dog everyone is like "oh he's trying to tell you he wants something".  But yeah I agree with Michael C as that is definetely the issue.  He is dominant and does not respect you as the authority figure. Little dogs bite too, hence the nickname "ankle biters" so although his bite won;t cause much damage this is still a serious problem that you can and should solve.  I know you will though because you cared enough to ask and obviously recognized that the behavior was not normal or acceptable.  Good for you and good luck!

  3. It's a show of aggression on your dogs part and it could elevate into something very serious is not dealt with.  Do  not continue to stare back at the dog, this could only lead to a confrontation.  Immediately take a dog that shows aggression to a well-established trainer who will help you teach the dog obedience and at the same time show you how to establish a leadership role with your pet. Once you have begun to train the dog, don't allow it to challenge your authority.   Don't deliberately challenge any aggressive dog by looking it directly in the eyes, whether the animal belongs to you or not. The old theory that you should "stare down" an aggressive dog probably led to a lot of dog bites.

  4. my yorkie does this too.

    most likely he just wants attention. (food or to be played with)

  5. I have two yorkie, Hes trying to tell you something. Its not a growl like hes mad, its an attempt to speak to you without aannoying barking. hes probably wanting a cookie or to go outside or hes trying to tell you to Cook dinner. Bottom line is they try to talk when they want something.

  6. A 4 1/2 month ? old Yorkshire Terrier male?

    A stare or a direct look in the dogs eyes is considered a challenge.  If your dog has an issue with dominance his growling could be his way of challenging you.

    Most dogs will change the direction of their eyes when you look at them for a certain length of time.  

    If this were a larger dog I would certainly be a bit more concerned.

    I imagine this little boy thinks he has rule of the house, and you too.

    May be time to let this dog know ior simply remind him that he is not the leader of the pack.

  7. all my dogs do that when I ignore them. he is talking to you.

  8. if the dog's growling at you then he may not like you... is it a nice growl or a bad growl? I have a Maltese Shiht-zuh mix... get one of those, they are great.

  9. He wants something...He talking to you the only way that he knows how...

    Do you play with him a lot ? Do you "wear him out" on a daily basis ?

    My guess is that he needs stimulation...Can you give him a job ?

    Everyone and everything has something that they're good at...

    My dogs are good at FETCH !

    That's their job...They fetch things for me and it makes me happy !

    Every dog wants to make it's master happy, and if he doesn't have a job to do, how can they be happy ?

  10. Well are you staring at him back? If you stare at a dog, the dog takes it as a threat.

  11. You have a dominant dog who does not "respect your authority". You need to start practicing NILF (Nothing in Life is Free) training. asap little dogs bite too...

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