
Why does my dog like to annoy my foster dog?

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It's kind of funny..

We have had her about a month and they get along. My dog, Teddy does this funny thing though. We give them both bones and then later there will be old bones left around the house. Teddy doesn't even care for bones but Missy (my foster dog) loves bones. Whenever Teddy has a bone she will bark and cry and get really mad and like launch at him. Now every time Teddy gets a bone he will pick it up and just carry it around not even biting it or anything. When she leaves the room he drops it. Then she comes back and he grabs it again.

It's just weird to me. Why do you think he enjoys bugging her so much? It's kind of like little kids or brother and sister.




  1. I agree with the answer that they are perfectly fine. Dog's get bored and it sounds like Teddy's found something fun to do :)   I have one that does the same thing with a tennis ball with my other dog (who's obsessed with tennis balls). She'll pick it up and carry it around with a snotty look. If you throw it for her she just looks at you like, "yeah?". It's very important to not get involved in this "doggie communication" thing, unless it's causing harm.

  2. It's called resource guarding, it has nothing to do with your dog trying to annoy the other one. He's simply making sure that he doesn't lose all the resources to the other dog.  

  3. Their just having some fun! If they get along it's fine! Nothing wrong with that unless your foster dog starts getting depressed or something. Just like you said they are just like a little brother and sister! They just like to annoy each other and just have some fun!

  4. Because he feels that's his territory and he rules lol  

  5. Teddy is just jealous, and just wants attention like a kid. It's alright though, maybe spend a little extra time with Teddy and see if it helps. good luck!

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