
Why does my dog make snoring sounds?

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when my dog is awake she makes these snoring sounds and they come out of knowhere and it kinda scares me because sumtimesz i feel lyk she gunna sufficate... wat is it and wat can i do to stop it or avoid it




  1. My dog snores all the time, and its normal.

    you can get a check up on your dog by a vet just to make sure but it is normal.

  2. its normal for al dogs making sound when theyre sleeped. my dog does that everynight . it does get annoying / they snore if they having a night mare or a good dreams .  

  3. She can't blow her nose with a tissue like we do. She probably gets something (maybe even her own hairs) up her nose & that's the closest dogs can come.

    Think about it... when you blow your nose, you kinda restrict your nasal passages & blow into a tissue. The dog can't, hence the 'trying to blow' but without the restrictions.

    Maybe try to vacuum her areas more so there's less hair & stuff she can inhale and maybe the problem will be lessened.

  4. Well, what breed is she/he?! I have a pug, and its natural for her, bulldogs, and dogs like that will because their snouts are so pushed in it pushes their nasal way so its hard to breathe.

  5. I know a friend's yellow lab snores louder than any human could. It's really funy listening to her, you wouldn't even know it was a dog snoring if you weren't right there. The vet said she snores because she is overweight by about 20lbs. She's a hugh lab in height, too. They are trying to get her to be more active so she does lose a little and see if it helps

  6. Snoring is sometimes a sign of an elongated, soft palate. If the problem is severe and interfering with the dogs breathing, your vet may recommend surgery.

  7. nothin just like people there nothin really you can do for snoring. and hes not going to suffocate,  

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