
Why does my dog poo so much????????

by  |  earlier

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she is 4 yrs old and for the last few days seems to be pooing about 8 times a day,which is not like her as she normally goes once maybe twice a day. she even wakes in middle of night to go which she hasnt done since she was a pup. and no i havent changed her diet at all. any ideas




  1. You dog might have gotten into something. That's always possible. Or she could have a slight infection of some sort, that happened with my dog. Colonitis or something like that. They put her on some antibiotics and she was fine.

    I would take your dog to the vet or at least call and ask them if it persists. Her body might just be trying to flush something out.

  2. Maybe she has worms. Take her to the vets x.x.x.x.

  3. Because you're a bad person.

  4. maybe you feed him more then usually my mistake or hes stressed out

  5. Maybe he got into something outside. Pesticides on the grass?

    mushrooms or even grass can do it. I would put a call into the vet just in case it's viral.

  6. My 3 yr old dog did the same thing. She defecates about 4-5 times a day. Does your dog have diarrhea or any soft stools at all?

    Just like us, dog's body's go through changes biologically. As long as she's not straining and doesn't have any irregular looking stools, I would say she's fine.

    If you're still worried about it, you can always call your local vet and ask them over the phone.

    Hope this helps.

  7. You might be feeding her too much without nowing or she might have something wrong with her belly xI Think u should take her too the vet x Goodd Luck x  

  8. cuz u feed her to mmuch or its a digestive prblem  

  9. Well it always depends on how much your feeding her.

    For example if you feed her once a day and after she finished eating

    you just left her food bowl full so she can eat whenever she wants she will definitely poo more than usual especially if you feed during night hours as well. Feeding should stop at around six o clock. You should also resort to a feeding schedule. Every time you feed her wait 30 min. and take her outside so she can relive her self. Also take her outside to relive herself after a play session. Hope I helped.

  10. is it solid or runny? maybe she needs something different or it maybe from age. Have you asked your vet?  

  11. If you're not overfeeding her have the vet do a fecal check for worms.

  12. i had the same problem with my dog, i just stopped feeding him and that worked until he died

  13. maybe he has Darya

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