
Why does my dog shed so much?

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ok. my dog is always biting and scratching. but we cant find any flees. and there is dog hair every where in my house!!! i mean i know there is gonna be some dog hair but not this much. she has a few bald spots but no rash...what do u think?...please help. =]




  1. If your dog is getting bald spots then its time to see a vet.

    This could be a number of things and only a vet will be able to determine what it is.  

  2. Before you rush out and change the food or spend a fortune on bathing products take her to your vet. He should be able to tell you the cause of it. Allergies are a major culprit and can often be stopped with a change in diet. Some dogs have excessively dry skin which itches constantly and causes alot of scratching and chewing. Again, a change in diet and/or a supplement for skin and coat will handle this problem. DON'T make the mistake of plopping her in a bath every times she scratches. That will only make matters worse. Good luck.

  3. What do you feed your dog?  Sounds like she is having some allergic reactions.  To her food or environment.

  4. I would take your dog to the vet cause sounds like allergies or mites..

    what kind of dog do you have??? One thing you can try you own is give the bendryal 2 times a day see if that helps.  My dog got hives from somthing outside and my vet told me to do that

  5. your dog could have mites and you would not see them...but boy will the hair be everywhere...a vet will be able to take skin scrapings and get a better answer for a treatment that will help to erase the hair all over, but more importantly ease the discomfort of your dog....

  6. Sounds like  an allergic reaction to food maybe. But you should take her to the vet especially since she has some bald spots.  

  7. try AvoDerm food.  it is great for skin and fur conditions.  look for an oatmeal dog bath, not human shampoo, it is the worng pH.  rinse, rinse, rinse.  also, a benydryl tab per day could be helpful (hide it in peanut butter, preferably Jiff.

    if the bald spots have a semi-circular shape, you may be dealing with a fungus. get some athelete's foot spray.  otherwise, treat with neosporin and a good diet

  8. More than likely she is having an allergic reaction, probably to something in her food. You have to find out what she is allergic to. If you are feeding Beef or chicken, I would try Venison or Lamb. Try to get a food that is wheat free, a lot of dogs have a wheat allergy. At the most you could put him on a fish and potatoe diet, Natural Balance, and Eagle Pack have those. Give him a month - 2 months on the new food before deciding if it worked.

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