
Why does my dog smell my crotch?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a female and my baby girl is a little dachshund and for some reason she sticks her head between my legs and always wants to smell down there. Is there a reason for this?




  1. thats how dogs know who you are

  2. does she only does that when you're having your period?

    Because they can smell that.

  3. Maybe she is letting you know something about yourself you dont seem to notice...................-_-

  4. Don't worry this is normal for dogs. Ever notice that when two dogs meet they sniff each others behind? This is how they identify one another. Your dog is just making sure you are still you and that you are ok. Dogs can smell the chemical changes our bodies produce so she is just checking you out.  

  5. My Lab mix always does that! Im not sure why he does it though maybe its a scent thing or something!

  6. cause just checking you are who you are.

  7. Its probably an odd and new smell for her.

  8. maybe that's her way of telling you she knows wo you are or maybe telling you she has to go potty idk

  9. maybe your crotch smells like meat

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