
Why does my dog stare..??

by Guest21286  |  earlier

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we have like a family dog, who is very lazy and stubborn. He doesnt really like playing and hanging around w/ people. When ill be like standing next to him, i can see from the corner of my eye that hes staring at me in a creepy way. Then i start to feel really uncomfortable. Then i stare at him back. a few seconds later, he turns away. this happens alot. i dont get that dog. Im just wondering if this is normal?




  1. When a dog stares directly into your eyes and his body is rigid, this is an aggressive sign and is a contest for dominance.  The dominant dog is basically the one that wins the staring competition.

    I think your dog is just looking at you. You should be pack leader, and the fact that he looks away when you stare at him proves that you are dominant over him. He's just looking at the pack leader to see what's going on - sounds pretty normal to me.

  2. animals like to hear ppl talking so try talking to it and pet it

  3. Hello,

    That could be a numerous of things.  I would probably take him to obedience school. Reason being, I took my dog to obedience classes, and a lady in our class was having the same problem.  The instructor informed us that some dogs will do that, kind of like a staring contest to see how much they can get away with.  You shouldn't let your dog feel that you're uncomfortable around him.  They can smell that.  Now, another thing our instructor said was that it also could be that the dog is just trying to get your attention.  And somehow communicate with you.

  4. try to slap himsoftly left and right he will open his mouth and then play with you

  5. that sounds really cute lol

    and funny.

    i think its normal and hes just looking at you, maybe he admires you =) are you his 'pack leader?'

  6. Give him a pat, or some other form of attention. He may also be telling you he wants to be let out, or to be fed.

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