Ok, we have 2 dogs, one of which for the past couple of years has developed this strange habit of whining, even whimpering, when my husband gets out of bed and starts walking around. He'll go to the bathroom before he lets the dogs out and during that 30 seconds the dogs whining has managed to wake me and my baby up!! grr! anyway, my husband says it's because he is hungry. Well so what, can't he wait one minute the other dog has no problem doing so. It's not like we're starving him. He is a lab and with that comes the greedy nature for food and always is scanning for crumbs in the kitchen, but this is just a bit much with the freaking out in the morning and around dinner time again. He could care less if I get out of bed even though some days I do let them out and feed them, but it's come to the point that if my husband wakes up just to pee in the middle of the night the dog starts whining because he thinks it's time to eat I guess. He even would start jumping and pawing at the door until we blocked the door off so he wouldn't do just that. Is there anything we can do to break this annoying habit, I just can't figure out why he does this.