
Why does my ex girlfriend want to make me jelous does she have fun with it?

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why does she always want to make me jelous. she did love me a lot but i broke her heart and didnt mean to. but still past is past but she called me last week looking for my friend or if i am with him.. that pissed me off still i dont know why i was drunk at the time. but why does she make me jelous it just makes me mad




  1. shes a w***e.  

  2. Well she loved you, you broke her heart. Humans seek revenge in different ways. I suppose she does sleep better at night knowing that things might not be best in your life. Don't answer her calls. You are doing her a favor and killing your buzz.

  3. she still has feelings for you

  4. She's hoping you will come running back. She's playing games. Very immature... she needs to grow up.  

  5. She makes you jealous because she wants to be back with you so whenever she sees you she'll try to make you jealous so you can make the move and be with her again maybe that's why she makes you jealous.

  6. Well did you ever think that maybe she still likes you or maybe she seen you with another girl and she got jelouse and now she is making you jelouse or maybe she aint even trying to make you jelouse maybe she was just with another guy and you just got jelouse cause you still like her THINK ABOUT THAT *****!

  7. u need to talk to her...she probably isnt doing it on purpose  

  8. Course she will try and make you jealous, esp if you hurt her. In her mind she hasn't got over it. Or she is genuinely into your friend a lot. Talk to her about it. Don't answer the phone if it really bothers you

  9. Like you said, you broke her heart. I think you still have feelings for her. Otherwise, you wouldn't care if she was talking to your guy friend or any other guy friends. And it wouldn't make you mad. You broke up with her, right? Think about it.


  10. she still has feelings for to her about it.

  11. yes, she is enjoying it

    you wants to "hurt" you as much as you hurt her in the pst

    no. she hasnt gottin over it....

    but if it goes on for much longer, you should move on....

    why should you suffer right?

  12. breaking up with her probably made her so mad that she wanted to get back at you. Which is something not very nice.  

  13. she wants you back.

    what did you do to break her heart? cheat? whether that was in the past it's hard to forgive and I really don't think it should be forgiven.

  14. well you broke her heart and she's getting back at you.. maybe she wants you back.. it's either that or just sweet revenge.. some people like knowing they have the power to hurt someone..

    if you aren't interested in her anymore, than try your best to make it invisible that it bothers you.. otherwise she gets her satisfaction

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