
Why does my exfiance keep going back to the wh*re that he had his kid with?

by  |  earlier

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My ex-fiance and I have been together many years. (9 years) We broke up for a brief period, two years ago, and in a matter of several months he started hanging around this LOSER, TRAMP, that has nothing to offer. She is quite nasty and has no morals... She was into meth and got him into meth (even though, it was his choice was to do it). To make a long story short, they did meth together and he got her pregnant...

Why does he want a life with me, yet, keeps going back to her? Is it for, the drugs or for his son????? He knows that we had a happy life together, yet he comes back to me and then somehow, goes back to her... I truly believe he loves me, though. Maybe I am wrong...

AND YES, I KNOW I NEED TO MOVE ON. I would just like some others opinions to ease my heart. :( I want off of this rollercoaster ride for good! Thanks.




  1. GROW UP!!!! If he keeps running back to her, your just his security blanket if it fails. Leave him alone.

  2. Well he go between the both of you guys,because you guys let him.He got the best of both worlds.You need to stop worrying about him and think about yourself,If this girl is nasty as you say she is.Well you need to shut him down.You don't know what she do for those drugs.So girl if it was me,I'll shut him down.What he do with her,he bring it back to you.You feel me.Good Luck and see a Dr.

  3. If he's your ex-fiance, why would you even care??????????????

    And he can't have a life with you if you opt out.

    So the real question is "What ARE you thinking?"

    The problem is not him.... the problem is you!!!!!... get some counseling hon, to help you discover why you feel that a guy like this is all you deserve. You haven't done very well so far... have a pro help you....  Geeez, hon, in your place??? I'd have never gone out with this scum bag dude a second time....  Where was your radar????????

  4. LOL

    this is why women are such failures at relationships

    the read what they want see into a given relationship

    you THINK he was happier with you

    but obviously you were dead wrong and were in dreamland...

    while you were life planning with the man of your dreams ( a former drug user at that.. )

    he was thinking about his w***e of an ex

    and the child's they now share for life together

    and you though you could break him from that?

    do you know meth users are extremely insecure

    have low self opinions of themselves

    hence why the delve into drugs and hang with people just like them?

    and you though you can compete with that?

    no way

    you are a better person right?

    what in the world would make you date such a guy?

    why did you set the bar so low?

    if you had any value in yourself

    you would have never considered him any sort of dating material

    just as men have filters and use them

    women lack the ability to apply filters, that is the filters to weed out the undesirables from the dating potential lists, i think they do this out of fear

    fear they won't find a guy, so they over look such glaring defects and then wonder later why it all went wrong

  5. Don't make someone a priority who only sees you as an option.

    He shouldn't need to go back and forth between you.  Let him be a drug addict with her, you don't need that drama!

    It will hurt for a little while, but in time you will feel SO much better and meet someone worthy of you.

  6. Please give this jerk up.  He will forever have her in his life because they have a child together.  

    The next time he comes back and starts to unzip his zipper...just remember where it was last... that should squash the desire.

  7. It's the meth.  He's messed up.  You can't help who you love I guess, I hope you can cut your losses.  He may love you but sometimes you hurt the ones you love most when meth is involved.  If he lives through it and get off it, he'll maybe realize what he lost with you but right now he only cares about getting high.

  8. 1. He keeps going back to her.

    2. He has a kid with her.

    3. THEY DO FREAKEN METH together!!!!

    -It is difficult for people to think straight under the influence.

    I KNOW that it really hurts to break up and stuff but look at you--You don't do meth, you don't have a kid, and you can probably get something way better than this *** hole. So ditch him and get someone else. Chances are he WILL call you back, men always call the good girls back--or ex's, it's just like that. Believe it or not, woman are so much more confident than men are. (and we know it)

  9. For God sakes wake up!!!  Why would you want to lower yourself to even want to be with this man??  Do you have no self esteem??  Surely, you can do better than him.  He's messed up his life, do you want him to mess up yours to???   Please, go on with your life!!

  10. I think you're calling the wrong person names... sounds like he's the one who's the loser with nothing to offer. Since he's the one running back and forth between you both, it would be him that's wh*ring around. Give your head a shake, she's not the one who hurt you, he is...

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