
Why does my father hate how I look like?

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My sister's always been thin because she has a high metabolism. I'm average size, (no really, I am) with large b*****s which kind of make me look bigger, I guess. (36-DD) I know it's not a health issue, because my older sister (whom he doesn't get along with) eats fast food all the time and drinks and smokes. He pretends its because of my health, but that makes the situation hypocritical. He says things about what I wear that he doesn't like, and he hates it when I wear my hair curly. Does anyone have any clue why he would be so adverse to my appearance? I would confront him, but he has a habit of walking away from any confrontations. He's threatened to remove me from my college of choice, so the faster, the better.




  1. Stephani,

    Some people are so picky, like my x was and always put me through h**l for how I looked too.

    Can you lose any weight, I know it's not what you want to hear , but my oldest daughter faught years of weight problems and now has it all off and has a husband and baby. I have weight on me too and am trying to do something about it

    I hope things change for you and that you get the best out of life, he ' so wrong...... you are probably a beautiful woman and he can't see it.

  2. okay, so...

    I think that it might be maybe because he's concerned about your future and has heard things from others that didn't quite encourage your case... Well, it's either that or the fact that maybe he's gone through things before and he ended up bad or maybe there's something else bugging him about anything that releases his bad behavior and\or negative comments that are being said to you...  

  3. Prejudice, prejudice, prejudice.  He may hate how you look like, but that doesn't mean he would hate your personality (looks don't determine who you really are).  Ask your mom or another family member to confront your dad.

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