
Why does my ferret seem tranquilized when I wrap him in a sock or an ace bandage?

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It's the strangest thing! I made him a mini sock jacket and as soon as I put it on he seemed dead and totally stopped moving! Same thing happened tonight when my friend and I wrapped him in an ace bandage just for kicks and giggles. As soon as we unwrap him, he acts like his normal playful self! He's a young ferret so I'm thinking maybe this has something to do with being in the womb? Instinct of some sort?

Thanks for all answers!




  1. mabe he doesnt like it

  2. He probably doesn't like it. Ferrets don't need a mini sock jacket or have an ace bandage wrapped around him. That's cruel and you better watch out because if someone finds out what you're doing, your ferret will be taken away from you by animal control. Be nice to your ferret all the time. I see that you are trying to be nice to make him a little jacket, but if he doesn't like, he doesn't like it and doesn't want it on him. Plus, it's not funny to put a bandage around a ferret, it's called cruel. I know people just wanna have fun, but sometimes fun things could turn into cruel things.

  3. how would u like it if i put u in a sock?? by the way hilarious question, it made me giggle

  4. Maybe he doesn't like the heat and doesn't like the fact that your putting things on him

  5. idk but my baby pot bellied pig does the same thing when i put a blanket on her,she just kinda freezes and doesnt move but she wags her tail a little so i guess she likes it lol, but ur ferret is probably just really comfy,if he didnt like it he would try to get away,so i wouldnt worry about it,, btw the sock jacket is a really cute idea!! =]

  6. My ferret does that too when I wrap him in his full body plastic grocery bag but now he doesnt move at all =/

  7. I don't want to sound harsh, but doing that to your poor ferret is mean. I would stop. However, I do think you are a good pet owner if you took the time to make him a sock jacket :)

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