My fiance has a 3 1/2 year old boy who does not want to learn. When we try to play learning games with him, he says "see, almost done", and tries to hurry through it so he can sit on the couch or on his bed and stare at nothing. We have several games and movies for him to interact with because his mother doesn't spend any time teaching him, so when he's here, we try to sit aside at least 30 minutes a day to help him learn by using games, flash cards or movies. He goes to pre-school, but it's mostly just an organized play group and he still takes himself away from learning to sit on an adults lap to do nothing. It's getting aggrivating because he's behind and we can't help him because he doesn't want it. He's gotten two screenings and they say that he's extremely behind for his age group and his social/emotional behavior is something to be worried about. We don't force him to sit and learn but we have to figure out something because he's not getting the attention he needs w/ his mom.