
Why does my fire alarm go off everytime I have a shower??

by  |  earlier

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shoudnlt it start with smoke, not steam??




  1. Steam and smoke and any other type of vapor will set off some of the older units.  About the only way to get around it is to replace with newer unit or find out why the steam is getting to it.

  2. Small particles can cause them to go off. When you shower general dust particles may be dispersing and setting it off.

  3. It confuses the steam for smoke.

  4. maybe it doesn't want you taking showers :]]

  5. Mine always used to go off with the steam from my bath\shower as I live in a bungalow and the bathroom is close to the site of the alarm.  I have now replaced the alarm with a new one and it doesn't seem to happen anymore. Sorry I can't tell you why this is but it is a relief from having to get out of the bath/shower and flap a tea towel around until it stops.

  6. Smoke and steam look very similar to a fire alarm - the alarm looks for particles in the air.

    I even had an alarm go off because ants had crawlen in there!

    Resite the fire alarm a little furter away from the steam from the shower.

    Whatever you do, do not disble the alarm - even if it is just for the time you take your shower, it could save your life!

  7. Wow you must be hot stuff, try having a few COLD showers!!

  8. because of the boiling hot water that forms steam

  9. are you sure that it is a smoke detector, rather than a heat detector (which could be set off by a very hot steamy shower!).  Otherwise, an earlier answer could be correct regarding dust particles.

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