
Why does my friend always date guys who are abusive??

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I don't understand it ... my friend is beautiful, smart, successful, and the kindest person you could ever meet.

But, she dates guys who are either abusive (emotionally and sometimes physically) or guys who take everything (including money) but never give -- parasites.

She's been with her current guy five years, and I think he is the worst of anyone she's dated. He has NO respect for her, the relationship (he's a admitted cheater), and he has a HUGE anger problem. I found out this morning they're getting married.

Should I even bother having a talk with her about this?




  1. Try talking to her about and point out all the bad things that has happened in their relationship. Tell her that she shouldn't settle for **** like him.

  2. I think when it comes to our friends and their choices, all we can do is sit back and let them make their own choices.

    We all have to experience pain, hurt and rejection in life, to build our backbones stronger. Hearts too.

    Just be a friend and be there when she needs you.

    I was the same way. iwas learned later, I was attracked to the same kind of men.  Counseling helped alot

  3. no self worth perhaps and feels that having S**t is better than having no S**t

  4. you could talk to her but it sounds like you have done this before.  people that attract themselves to abusers tend to have very low self esteem.  she won't think that she deserves any more than this scumbag, no matter what you tell her.  

    in the end, some people have to make their own mistakes in life.  just let her know that you will be there for her if you  need her.  that being said, do not be a constant sounding board for her complaints either.  that would be codependence on your part.  learn to set healthy boundaries and if you can't deal with this guy, you might have to pull back a bit from her.

  5. It sounds like she has some insecurity issues. How's her relationship with her father?

    If she is a good friend of yours and you heartully believe that she does not belong with him, then I think you should atleast voice your opinion but support her in her decisions.

  6. There are many, many reasons for why people do things like this. A lot of times it's either because that's how her father treated her so that's what love is to her, or she has a low self esteem and feels she can't do better.

  7. she likes her dates to be abusive because she wants every date to be a hit.  

  8. well yes talk to her but make sure

    she don't feel that u are judging her

    or she wont come to her scenes

    and leave him

  9. If you really care about her you should talk to her.  But she needs to see a counselor about her relationship choices.

  10. Get it off your chest...Remember most weddings ask around for is ther anyone who has issues with this union? Talk to her and that's it...Then you have done your job. Take Care

  11. It is a cycle! in order for her to break it she must realize what "it" is, and fix it.

  12. It's probably the type of people she runs into all the time or falls in love with for whatever reason.  Men who are like that tend to want to be pitied, and maybe it's her personality to be caring/giving.  You could try to talk to her about it and tell her (if you can) that you would like to introduce her to some real men, but it might not help.  

  13. No self confidence. Take a look at her own previous parental situation. How was her mother treated? Some women gravitate toward that bad *** type man because they believe they dont desereve any better- without realizing it.  

  14. Why bother you will just make her mad.What you should have done was introduce her to some decent guys.

  15. Some people, myself included seem to be attracted to people who have "sob" stories to tell. Sometimes its low self esteem. Talk to your friend & see if  she'll get help.

  16. have a talk, if she gets mad, send her a letter, at the very least, you can say you tried...  to warn her...

    please talk to her anyway...  talk to her parents if you can, too, siblings, as many people you know that know her, too!

    blah away, it's for her own good...  try your darndest to get her away from him, honestly of course, though...


    that's what I'd do, and have done...

  17. just sit down and talk with her about it

    please answer mines

  18. It seems even though from an outsider point of view she has it all, looks, brains, great personality, but she may be suffering from low self esteem or depression. As well as sometimes when you are in it you cannot look at the situation from the outside.  She may not even realize this guy is the jerk that he is, plus she has had five years with this guy, that is quite a long time to not realize he's a cheater, disrespectful and has anger management problems.  

  19. well first off yes tell her that is a big big mistake and women like this is very scared , so they just take it , and then their are the women who gets fed up and stops the bullshi* tell her that you are her best friend and you will not stand up with it

    because if you are her best friend you should have been took a stand

    and you need to take this to court because this can get very serious. men like this one day cant control their anger and something might happen.

    men beat on women they lack on something. they want to be feared. please stop this. and tell her she can do way better . and tell her to turn the tables on his a$%

  20. no

    its none of ur business

    who r u to judge him

    she loves him

    thats it

    u r her friend that doesnt mean u can do anything

    stay away from them

    if u do something bad

    god will never forgive u

    some very very bad will happen to u!!!

  21. I would tell her that you believe that she deserves so much better. But I  really don't think that it would matter much because if she is really stupid for him is really doesn't matter what you tell her. She has to see it for herself. You might express your opinions to her and she might get mad at you ( happened to me). Tell her how you feel but say it in a gentle, respectful way. Good Luck!

  22. low self esteem

  23. you can try and maybe you'll get thru to her, but being in the same abusive situation myself, there is probably not a whole that will sink in. I know people think people like myself that allow themelves to stay in a ssituation are "looney" but as with my boyfriend, I love him and am not strong enuff to let go. Just pray for her that she'll be strenghtend  and be able to get out before it's too late

  24. because your friend is stupid and feels she doesn't deserve better.  ANYONE who puts up with abuse is stupid, because as soon as you make the choice to leave or stop putting up with it, the abuse stops.

    She's afraid there's no one else in the world who will love her, so she clings to what she has.

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