
Why does my friend envy me? i dont understand??

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My parents.. well my dad gives me everything i ask him to buy me and my friend kinda gets pissed off.And then he goes and buy the same thing.Example. My dad bought me a laptop(i already have a good desktop computer) i didn't need it i just wanted a laptop and my dad bought it for me.And when i told my friend he was like "WHAT! why did he buy it? you dont need a laptop you already have a computer"? and when we are in a group of friends he starts bragging about me saying that im daddys little boy that my dad buys me everything i want that he bought me a laptop without me needing one etc... and i told him why cant you just be happy for me?Not all dads buys everything their kids want and to stop saying that stuff to other people but he doesn't listen.Now he tells me that he bought a laptop and telling me all the features like if i cared.And its like that when my dad buys me somthing.Why is my best friend like that?Is he like that because his parents doesnt give him all the things he wants like mine does?




  1. Yes its coz hes jelous. Find a new best mate..x  

  2. he's just jelous cause his parents don't give him nothing like your parents do to you,  he wants to be just like you and he can't

  3. he is just jealous.

    maybe stop telling him about all the things your parents buy you? [if you do that, i'd be pretty annoyed, if not jealous] then he will feel better. hahah good luck

  4. he;s jealous because you get anything you want and he doesnt.. dont worry, its normal.. hes just trying to hide it ,and i guess thats the only way he could hide that hes jealous

  5. He really does envy you. He also likes to be kinda spoiled to get what he wants. He doesn't like it when his out of place. He wants to fit in, exactly.  He really wants to be in your place. There are alot of people like that. But, why does it have to be your best friend? He will do anything to be on top. He wants to be number one. That's what he wants. He's the type of person that is braggy and all that. No offense to your friend. Your friend likes to be praised for everything he has. He doesn't want you to always be the number one.

  6. im telling you how it its maybe he's parents don't buy him all the stuff he wants im sure you already know why go and tell him you got something new, for him is like you are just rubbing it in his he thinks your some what of a brat like he said daddy's little boy,so maybe he feels like he actually deserves some of the stuff you get but unlike you maybe he has to work hard in school or what ever to get it.but you all u got to do is ask for it,so he feels like its unfair then you come and tell him you got something new that just a big spit in the face.thats why when he got new laptop he had to tell you its way better than your's just to get edge over you.

  7. man your lucky, anyway its just envy, he sees all the c**p your parents buy you and he is jealous.  

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