
Why does my friends parakeet sleep on the bottom of the cage?

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Well my friend said that her parakeet isn't the same anymore..for example he doesn't chirp anymore, he doesn't fly around, and he sleeps at the bottom of the cage..he is 6 years old. Is that showing signs of illness/ or death?




  1. Yes, that's a serious sign of illness. They'd better take him to the vet, quick--birds try to hide their illnesses as well as they can, because in the wild the rest of the flock would drive them away to prevent them from "sharing" their illness with other birds. If he's acting that obviously sick that means he's simply too weak to pretend he's okay--your friends need to take him to the vet, ASAP.

  2. It may be because he is getting old, or maybe lonely, or depressed or sick. I don't really know much about birds... I hope he gets better!!!

  3. sometimes they feel safer on the ground.

    do you have any other parakeets??because sometimes the other one would mark the top as his/her own so you need to either get a new cage for the other or you could get a different spot for your parakeet try those out!!

    hope this helps!! :D

  4. This is a classic sign of illness. They only go to the bottom of cage generally when they are trying to lay eggs or they are dying. Unless he has hurting feet or joints. But if he is not chirping, does not fly I would say he needs vet asap.  

  5. Yes that is signs of illness, sleeping alot, on the cage floor, change of behavior, loss of appetite, ruffled feathers or bad looking feathers, sneezing, staying puffed up for warmth, discharge from the nose, unstable, failure to perch, weakness, crusty eyes, nose, or runny pooh, discolored pooh, smelly pooh, a birds pooh is normally a nice green with bit of white in the center of a curled dropping, if the white is yellowish, or the green is not green but dark, or brown, it is signs of illness, and when a bird shows these signs they have been sick for a while, needs to be seen by an avian vet soon, keep warm make sure there is clean fresh water, offer it some romaine lettuce they love romaine lettuce and it is very good for them, but make sure to see a vet.

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