well....their just nips on the finger but every time someone holds one they always nip at somone. All of my guinea pigs are male and they are siblings. 2 of then were 4 weeks after being weened from their mother. the other 2 were only 2 weeks from being weened from their mother. the older 2 are from 1 dad and the 2 yongest ones are from a diferent dad but same mom. ANYway ........,we only had then for less then 1 week but sofar (i don't know about anyone else) i have neeb niped several times by all of then, i have been niped so hard from one of the young ones that i started to bleed and one of the older ones opened their mouth and BIT ME. It wasn't hard but i felt it. i don't kow if i had stuff on my hands (after i washed then) or i didn't use enough soap when i washed my hands but i had 2 in my hands and one bit my index finger.
also...... my mom said that rabbit pellits (food) is ok for then cause its the same thing but i think there is a diference in the nutrence and vitamens.is rabbit pellits ok for then for now?
..........how many babies would one female have? if offered 3-4 males... would she breed with one 1 and keep breeding with 1 (just like dogs/befor they have pups) or will she breed with 2 or more diferent fathers befor giving birth?
any onther advise can you give me??? please help
OH and why do they make so much noise at night when you finally turn out all the light then get quiet, then noisy then quiet?
please help
is it natural for then to nible all the time?