
Why does my guinea pig vibrate?

by  |  earlier

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when i hold my guinea pig, Bertie every now and then he vibrates for a second he doesn't make a sound he just vibrates. Can any one tell me what this means. Or why he does it!




  1. xD

    Sorry. That was an oddly put question.

    But your guineapig vibrates because it is either cold or scared. If you haven't had the guinea for long then it will still be a while before he entirely trusts you.

    It's perfectly normal. Just give it time. And don't force yourself on him.

  2. well i had a g/p and i got another and i went to put them together and he started making this pering noise and vibrating but urs aint making noise im pretty certain its a fret or min or mabe just really really scared

  3. It's a mating call.  The breeder where I got my guinea pig told me about it.  It's nothing to be concerned about.

  4. I've no idea...but that really made me laugh. Maybe he just likes doing it. I vibrate sometimes.

    (he probably just loves you and gets very excited)....

  5. I'm not even joking, but it's him farting.

    I've had piggies that do it loll

    Amy xx

  6. hehehe this would have much funnier if you had put rabbit hahaha.

    i think it may just be him getting comfortable, or maybe he is a little nervous, i think most small animals do this but iv not got much experience with this so i wouldnt count on me x*x

  7. maybe hes shaking because hes cold

    use this gray bedding stuff, its amazing for the pig and its really healthy,

    its called carefresh and its in a green bag. itll keep him warm

  8. that is so wired and cute. I have no idea .

  9. the reason he is doing this is because he's scared he may not be use to u enough or maybe u just got him so he's not use to you or  his new environment if u just got him leave him a few days to get use to his new cage don't give him to much attention but feed and change the cage and the water of course.Then after that get some romain lettuce i believe that's there fav well for mine. feed this to him with ur hand in the cage so he knows that ur hand is not going to hurt him and after a while he will not be nervse anymore =p

  10. I dunno about GP's, but I had a rat, and she would "buzz" when I held her. It was because she was happy, and was purring.

  11. I have one boy who does that. He's the youngest and still very nervous when he's being held. He's just shaking very quickly. Hold him more often and feed him a bit of veggies when you're holding him to get him more used to you. He's nervous.

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