
Why does my guitar amp have this buzz?

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It's a Marshall MG10 (just a practice amp). It only has 2 channels, clean and overdrive (this one causing the buzz). When I use overdrive, having my guitar already plugged in, there is a very very annoying electrical buzz. This happens without me touching the strings at all. BUT as soon as I put my hand on the strings and hold them, the buzz stops. Note, that the buzz is there even if the strings have not been plucked.

If I switch channels to clean, hardly any buzz at all!

WTF is causing this???




  1. It's called "feedback" there's no way around this, deal with it.

  2. volumes too loud, probably.

  3. I think it's just the like, overdrive/gain sound.

    Also, my friend had an amp that was used, and he blew out one of the speakers or SOMETHING, and it had some really loud, annoying buzz.  Since it's a small, maybe it's broken somehow or something.

    I don't have any trouble with the amps I have.

  4. you are playing your guitar too close to your speakers.and/or the volume is too high.

    when you change from clean to overdrive turn your guitar volume down a bit, that should do it.rock on!

  5. it may have a short

  6. The buzz you are hearing is coming from your guitar's pickups.  Hence when you touch the strings the buzzing stops.  Do you have single coil pick ups?  That is your issue.  Not a problem but a common occurance.  

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