
Why does my hamster hide his food in his cheeks?

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every time i give him his heart shaped treats he hides it in his cheeks and spits it out later for him to eat later on in the night




  1. It's a rodent thing, my hamster used to do it all the time. They usually take a bunch of food from their bowl and then spit it out over by where they sleep. They're storing like a bear stores food for hibernation, only your answer doesn't hibernate.

  2. wild rodents dont get to eat a lot. when they find something they really like, they will cram it into their mouths until they think it is safe to eat it where they think no one will get it. its instinct  

  3. thats just what hamsters do, it's their instinct

    ALL hamsters do that .

  4. they store thare food

  5. cause he's a cute little hamster that likes to play tricks on you!

  6. all rodents hide their food in their cheeks just to kinda protect their territories  

  7. Hamsters belong to a group of animals called rodents which include guinea pigs, mice, gerbils, chincillas, porcupines and rats. They have teeth that grow throughout their lives. There are four common breeds of hamsters namely Roborovskis, Winter Whites, Campbells and Syrians. The first 3 types are smaller and are called dwarf hamsters while the Syrians are golden hamsters. Hamsters sleep during day and are active at night. Hampsters are like squirels they carry food  in their cheek pouches and store this food somewhere to eat later. Hamsters move very fast and may not like to be touched. But if you played with it was young, it will let you hold it. They only bite when they are scared or when they are not held properly, so you have to make sure you don't let them fall or squeezed too tightly. Hamsters can live up to 2 to 4 years, so make sure you are able to take care of them for that period of time and please DO NOT abandon them halfway.         to eat later

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