
Why does my hamster keeps scratching?

by Guest60596  |  earlier

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Why does my hamster keeps scratching?




  1. Because it itches, I guess...

  2. Allergies in the skin. Don't touch it because it can spread to you too. Take it to the Vet soon.

  3. ok your hamster probubly is unclenly. first of all get him some chinchilla sand and let him roll around in it if that does not help, you need to ask a vet about giving him a bath. warniing baths are dangerous for hamsters.he could also have fleas or something. Clean your tank!!!!!!

  4. Dont give him a dust bath and dont get him another hamster of the opposite gender, he may just b itchy but if he keeps doing it give your vet a call to see what they say!

  5. allergies probably


    he thinks that he is a lottery card

  6. get another hamster that is opposite gender to it.

  7. Because he itches?

  8. give it a dust bath

  9. He might just be grooming himself they do that alot.  Or mites, or fleas, or allergies.

  10. Because it has an itch

  11. it could have mites, fleas, or ticks. is it scratching it constantly? if it is take it to the vet and see what they say.

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