
Why does my horse not like to stand still wen being cross tied? and how can i fix it?

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Why does my horse not like to stand still wen being cross tied? and how can i fix it?




  1. I have a TB who is the exact same way plus i ride other horses who are like that.

    Rule number 1-Never get mad at them. Don't yell or raise your vioce. I have seen people try to fix this problem that way and it makes it so much worse.

    Rule number 2-don't take them out of the cross ties. If they are wiggling then taking them away doesn't solve your problem or theres they will just keep doing it when you try again. And how can you teach a horse to be good about standing in the cross ties if they nver stand in them.

    Rule number 3-Don't use elastic cross ties. The cross ties that stretch make it worse. The horse can lean on it and it can break the ties. Use rope ones with quich release knots and quick release hooks.

    Put your horse in the cross ties and go do something else. Don't go to far for if he gets himself in major trouble then you need to be there to get him.

    Sit somewhere safe and out of the way and clean take or if his stall is close to the ties then clean his stall or read a book. Do this for 20 minutes everyday until he learns to stand.

    Also maybe he isn't getting worked enough or out enough and this is his way of venting. Longe him on off days when you can't ride. And try and get him him turned out everyday.

    Aslo practice his ground manners get him turn on the haunches, forehand, back stop and square up so he develops a great respect for you on the ground.

    hope that helps

  2. he is probably either nervous, not well behaved, or has never learned how to be crosstied. every time he stands still tell him he is a good boy/girl, and pet him and make him/her feel happy. then go stand a little way away again and if he fidgets and doesn't do what he is supposed to do, dont start screaming, just give him a low firm no.

    if he/she fidgets while you are next to him, pet him and make him/her calm. continue to pet and calm him/her till he/she is willing to stand still when you are next to him/her. than follow directions.  

  3. One word: "Whoa"

  4. if your horse has a hard time standing still in cross ties  he should not be in them until he learns because if is is tied and he freaks out he is going to hurt himself or you start with the cross ties being something like twiner bind something that will break really easy if need be than you can start training him to stand cross tied now start with him tied and you are grooming something he likes every time he moves put him back in his starting position do this 100 times if you have to be kind and Patience as we all no that is what it takes to train horses is kindness and Patience do this every day start off 15 Min's and build your time up you will know and when ever you have your horse out to ride or play do the stand still game just with him on the lead line ask him to stand still while you pet him or while you walk just to the end of your lead and again if he moves before you ask put him back in the starting position  sooner or later he is going to learn that it is easier to stand still than to move and be moved again good luck hope this helps you.

  5. Lots of praise and petting of the neck shoulder when he is standing still.  He'll get the idea which behavior is rewarded and which isn't .  Good luck

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