
Why does my husband do this?

by  |  earlier

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He is 28 and I'm 24, we have talked about starting a family but have decided to wait since we live in an apartment and want to wait until we get a house before we start trying (next year), but he is always talking about babies and telling me all the time that he wants one then when I ask him if he wants to start trying he says no we need to wait. I really really want to start a family but I don't talk about it and don't dwell on it all the time since we have decided to wait. I feel like he is just throwing it in my face. Why does he do this and what can I do?




  1. he probably wants one, but then he's not suree. dont actually *try* and see what happens

  2. I don't think any guy is ready for a baby until its here.

  3. tell him if he wants baby so go for it then .in the other case tell him shut his mouth .you can't have cake and eat it in one time.

  4. he wants to start trying now. but has to much pride to say it.. if your on the pill stop taking it at the end of this pack

  5. To me, this is a great sign!  I think he sounds mature for wanting to wait.  Just be patient.  It will happen.

  6. He is probably exciting that trying for a baby is coming closer, but realizes that he should wait. He is excited to be starting a family and he is starting it with you. You probably jsut need to sit down with him and tell him that" I know you are wanting to have a baby and I know that we need to wait, but it really hurts my feelings when you bring a baby up all the time and we aren't trying yet. Can you tone the baby talk down a bit for me? I would really appreciate it" or something along those lines.

  7. he's probably just nervous.having a child can be nerve recking. and he probably just wants it to be perfect. i suggest you sit down and have a serious conversation with him about it, whether he wants it or not.

  8. most family's don't "plan" on having babies just happens

  9. i think u both feel the same way of loving to have a baby and start a family.. thats why he cant help himself to open a topic about babies.. but then he kn0ws its n0t the right time s0 he rejects you everytime you open the same topic..

    i'm like that sometime to my bf.. i always ask him.. "when are we g0nna get marry" .. but then when he will responce like im just waiting f0r oyu.. all of a sudden i'll say it's n0t the right time.. we're young.. blah... blah.. blah..

    i ask him that bc0z i really wanted to.. but i kn0w its n0t the right time.. we're young.. s0 i reject him everytime he ask me back..

    s0 i think.. thats the same way as what your husband feelzz..

    talk to him..

    let him kn0w what u feel..

    best luck!

  10. He probably wants to start trying, but he's in panic mode too about the whole thing.  It's a huge life change, big reponsibility, etc, etc.  

    Sit down with him over a nice dinner and have a long heart to heart with him about it.  Let him know that when he talks about it, he's making you want to start trying NOW.  tell him to either shut up about it, or to start trying for a baby now, but say it in a nicer way, obviously.

    Also remind him that you may not get pregnant right away (most couples get pregnant within a year of TTC), and it does take 9 months to "bake" that baby, so if you wanted to have a baby next year, this is the right time to start trying.

  11. Not sure why he does this but you two need to sit down and have a chat.  Tell him how you feel.

  12. If he loves you and wants to start a family, then start trying. Tell him how you feel that when he brings it up, you think he is throwing it in your face and that you are confused about the situation. If he is serious about starting a family, then go ahead and start trying. Plus, you never know how long it will take to try and have a of wishes to you and your family

  13. he probably really wants a family but as a man wants to make sure he can provide for his family, give him some time, you have plenty,  just breathe lil bundles will come and all will be right with the world, just be thankful he's trying to make it easy on you for later, good luck, big hugs

  14. maybe hes just looking forward to it,tell him you dont want to talk about it till nearer the time,as it upsets you and makes you anxious

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