
Why does my husband feel he has to keep lieing to me?

by  |  earlier

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I have found cigs when he says he hasn't smoked ...(he was never a smoker)......why I'm I occasionally finding cigs? He says it helps him stay awake when he's driving. I don't think he smokes more than a pack in acouple months, should I even be conserned?

Do you think p**n or finding pictures of his p***s on his cell phone, outside infront of his car, is considered cheating? For you guys out this a normal guy thing? Why in public?

He confesses to it every time I confront him and seems to feel bad, but will eventually do it again.




  1. i dont think there is a problem, he's just being adventurous in his own silly way, and he wants to feel, he can still do what he likes!!, dont let it bother u too much.

  2. a pac in a couple months? that's not bad.

    But what if its someone else riding in his car and those pics of his p***s is for someone else.

  3. As for the cigarettes, that's more of an issue that can be dealt with in a month or even a year. My husband nagged me to quit smoking for years and I didn't truly succeed in stopping till I found out I was pregnant, even though I love my hubby very much.

    As for whether p**n is cheating? No, p**n is not cheating as long as it's just stories/pictures/movies that you can get on the internet or from a p**n store. What's cheating is if he's talking to girls on the internet or contacting web mistresses and masturbating while talking s*x talk with them.

    Taking pictures of his p***s isn't necessarily cheating, but sending them to other women is. If you know how to find the pics on his phone, is there any way you can find out who they've been sent to, if anyone?

    It's a normal thing for guys to take pictures of their junk, but only if they're trying to impress someone if you know what I mean.

  4. well he shouldnt be lying to you bt if arent the one receving those pictures then you have to ask yourself who is ?? bc men dont take pics of they stuff to look at they know what they look like so u should see was up wit that..  

  5. My p***s is for my wife only.  He might be flirting with someone but not have gone all the way yet.  Talk to him about it, maybe there is something lacking in your relationship and he does not know how to talk to you about it.  

    Sometimes when married people, men and women have affairs it is not about the physical attraction but something lacking in what they have,

    Have a respectable conversation and find out what is going on.

  6. Desiree!

    No this is not normal behavior. I also do not believe that he is telling you the truth. If I were you, I would throw his butt out and get to a Dr. and have myself checked for S T D'S and the HIV virus just to be safe. I think that he is doing someone else but I couldn't tell you if it is man or a woman. Good Luck!

  7. Taking pics of your own p***s on your phone is stupid and gross. I don't know of any normal man that does this unless he is sick in the head.

    As far as cigs go. Let it go. He doesn't want to quit. Stop nagging him. You can't change anyone.  

  8. Original jerk. Another innocent girl becomes victim. Typical story of a cheating man. You think your case is different, but all same.


    His p***s is not to share with others. You know that, don't you?

    Look honey, if he does it again realizing he does wrong things, then he will never stop. The more you ask, the more he does because it's more adventurous and exciting for such a stupid idiot like him.

    My advice : L E A V E ! ! !

                     G E T   A   N I C E   M A N ! ! !

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