
Why does my husband have a cereal fetish?!?! What's wrong with him!? Is this a guy thing?!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been married for a few months now. We have a healthy relationship. Like most couples do, we have s*x often. But recently he's been acting so strange!! I don't understand why. Everytime we have intercourse he insists putting a bowl of cereal RIGHT beside the bed. Its disgusting. At one point I accidentally knocked it over and it spilled all over me, he went crazy! In the morning he always mixes up his cereal and doesn't eat it at all. He just stares at it and dips his fingers in it. Honestly, I'm disgusted and a little freaked out!!!

Please help me! What's wrong with my husband?




  1. He's a nutter.  Move fast: you might still be able to have the union annulled.

  2. I am at a loss too. Ask him what he is so interested in. It may seem worse because you dont understand it.

    Ask a doctor of sorts.

  3. Sounds like he could be a cereal killer :-D

  4. ...........................................

           I haven't the slightest clue.

       Did you go through marriage counseling?

             But yeah that's kind of weird. Only thing I could suggest the next time he tries to put a bowl of cereal next to the bed as soon as you see it, get up and say your sleeping on the couch.

              Hopefully he gets the message quickly.

       If not try marriage counseling. If that doesn't work ask if you could spend the next 50 or so years with his quark. If not your better off getting a divorce before things because way too involved.

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