
Why does my husband take pictures of his p***s in public?

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Why does my husband take pictures of his p***s in public?




  1. What what... whaaa?!?!

    Must be some sort of exhibitionist fetish... they have those, I hear.

    Good luck with that problem.  >>

  2. cause you married a perv...

    and he thinks he's inadequate..

    and he  most probably  is....

  3. ha! ha! ha!  god bless u! Ask him y he did this?

  4. I am so trying to picture how your husband achieves photographing his own p***s....while in a public place.....

    How public exactlty? Like is it Walmart on a Saturday morning or are we talking a secluded picnic ground??

    ....and he does not get arrested!

    What sort of camera does he use? Is it high speed film or has he gone digital? (pardon the double entendre)

    I bet you two have a fascinating marriage!

  5. Because he is an immature little boy

  6. he will get arrested lol

    oh and i think you should divorce him!

  7. He needs some help, and you really need to talk to someone professional about his problem. If I were you divorce him or he's going to make your life very depressing. He is really sick and you need to look out for your self because as you see he really doesn't care about you and has no respect for him self or you. I know that you are better than that! Good Luck to you!  

  8. I thought everyone did that.  He is just engaging in normal guy behavior, like peeing on fire hydrants.  I use the fire hydrant out by the street all the time and see nothing unusual about that, so taking pictures is a logical extension.

  9. Did you not know that he was a pervert before you married him?

  10. ¥

    ^ what the h**l is that?

    Anyways I have no idea why your husband would do bout asking him

  11. cos he needs help?!  Get him back and put them on the internet! lol

  12. maybe he thinks he's Flash Gordon

  13. A fetish? Weird!!

  14. because he has mental problems...

    tell him to stop this or he will end up in jail...

    personally, if he did it again after you told him to stop I'd divorce...

    being with a loser sucks...!

  15. Because all men are just little boys at heart. We never stop being amazed by that little thing in our pants!

  16. I don't know but it's definately an issue you need to be VERY concerned about

  17. I never ever ever heard of this. He needs immediate therapy or he may some day be arrested if not charged with a more serious crime. I think that he has issues. It may begin on a small scale but may become a catastrophy. Get him some help before this apparent game of arousement becomes an out of control  nightmare. Good luck.

  18. Because he's a freak, I'm guessing!! He's your husband, how are we supposed to know?? lol

  19. You need to ask a professional by the sound of things.  I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested yet.

  20. Because you are married to a complete a***e.

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