
Why does my jaw crack and hurt when i chew?

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About three days ago my jaw started hurting when I chew. It doesn't crack or hurt when I begin a meal but around the middle of it starts to hurt and crack. I am 15 years old. Could this be serious? Please Help.




  1. It could be a lot of different thing.  Usually, what you describe is either one of three thing.  First is your wisdom teeth coming into place.  Not too just have to have them taken out by a dentist.  Second is that you could be grinding your teeth when you sleep.  Also not a big deal.  When you go to the dentist, just tell them about it and they can fit you for a mouthpiece to wear when you sleep.  The third is a problem called TMJ.  Just google that to learn more.  It's not too bad either.  However, you need to go to the dentist to have it checked out.  Talk to your parents.

  2. Mine does it too, expeially when eating something chewy like toffee. It doesnt particularly hurt, just is uncomfortable. Horrible realy. Sorry, I know this hasnt helped but i thought you might like to know you arent alone. IM 14 by the way :)

  3. It is a disc located at the back base of your jaw.  It has gotten out of place somehow and has started to rotate when you chew.  My daughter was diagnosed with this several yrs ago.  She has not gone through the surgery that it will take to cure this condition ( condition name escapes me, sorry).  It will only get worse, not better.  Go to Oral surgeon and have it seen about, good luck.

  4. You might want to talk to a dentist or some other mouth-related specialist about it.

    Mine did this too, and occasionally still does. I used a chew a lot of gum (I went through about 2 big packs a week) and clench my jaw when I'm stressed out. My sister has the same problem because she grinds her teeth in her sleep.

    If you pay attention to those sorts of things and stop/cut down on them, it might help. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, you can get a mouth guard sort of thing to wear when you go to bed.

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