
Why does my karate teacher hate me because I am g*y?

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I have been going through a lot. First I want to be g*y and then I don't. So finally I did it. I go to a karate school and there are like 30 people in the class at night. So at the end of the class the teacher asked if there any questions. Well I raised my hand and walked to the front of the class and openly told everyone that I was g*y. I did this formally in front of the class.

Well I thought everything was ok. But now a lot of the guys are treating me different. And also one of the black belt instructers said he wanted to talk to me. He actually said he did not want me "lurking" around the locker room. He thinks I spend too much time in there. I do spend time but it is just talking to the guys. But now a lot of them are short with me. What should I do?




  1. Dude... See thats what I dont understand. Why would you go up to the front of the class and announce it to the world? Like previously stated, your inviting problems by shoving it in peoples faces, your g*y so your g*y, keep it to yourself, because nobody gives a f*ck. I have no problems with g**s, aside from the fact that they just wont shut up about it.

  2. Exactly why did you anounce that? There really was no need to tell them that. Did everyone else anounce they are straight or something? How did class jump from karate to your sexual orientation. In my oppinion you were just looking for attention, well now you have it. Did you honnestly believe that everything would be the same after your little anouncment. None of the "macho" men want to train with the "*****".We don't live in a perfect world and people arn't as accepting as they should be.

  3. Why do g*y people define their whole life about their sexuality. I don't get it I don't introduce myself by stating I am heterosexual it is nobodies business. I don't care what you do in your bedroom it is none of my business. You invite problems by shoving your gayness in peoples face.

  4. I think the answer to this one is obvious.

    Why does he hate you because you're g*y?

    Because he doesn't like g*y people.

    Serious answer - because you being g*y has nothing to do with your karate class, the teacher, or the other students, and you interrupting the class by pulling some self aggrandizing attention grabbing thing like announcing (for no real reason) that you're g*y, is exceptionally disrespectful in ANY culture.

    He doesn't hate you because you're g*y, he hates you because you're presumptuous and rude. You interrupted his class to announce something that got you a lot of attention, and he's pissed off about it, as any teacher would be. You should have known better. Karate class isn't a forum for you to announce your sexual preferences.

  5. What the h**l were you expecting? Karate class is not designed to shower you with affection from people who want to come "out of the closet" . I am SURE that most of the others would wish you had kept your mouth shut. You really alienated them now. What's going to happen NEXT is that other students are going to complain to the instructors and try to get your butt kicked out. Bad Move my friend.....BAD MOVE.

  6. Let me give you a teacher's perspective, the perspective that I'm sure you didn't consider before you blabbed to the world that you are g*y.  

    I hope nobody does that in one my classes.  I'll be annoyed.  Why?  Because your sexual orientation has nothing to do with you learning a martial art.  

    Thanks to you shouting out to the class that you are g*y, your teacher now has to deal with the other homophobic students.  Most people are not going to feel comfortable working out with the g*y student, especially if you're talking about grappling or any sort of close quarters aspects of your training.

    Because SOME  g*y people actually ARE lurking around for s*x in the men's locker room, so now he has to worry about that.   And don't think I'm being paranoid or bigotted:  this subject actually came up as an issue in a coaching clinic I attended.   Just like if a straight man were spending too much time in or near the lady's dressing area, the teacher would have to pull the straight guy aside and tell straight man he's creeping out the ladies.  I'm sure women would feel uncomfortable with a man who was in their space while they were dressing.  Well guess what?  By adding that dynamic, which rarely if ever comes up in karate, you've had a self-fulling prophecy of negativity.  You expect people to have an issue with you being g*y so you bring it up at stupid times.  

    By doing that, you've just added problems to your teacher's itinerary.

    Also, I don't know why you don't think your teacher knew you were g*y.  If he's observant, he probably picked up on it anyway.  Some of us have gaydar.  But just because we have gaydar we aren't going to be mean to a g*y person.  

    I'm a big black dude.  What you did was about as dumb as this:

    Teacher :  Are there any questions?

    Me:  Yes.  I think that sista over there has a phat booty.  Can I get your number?  

    Teacher:  Any other questions?

    Me:  Any of you white girls got jungle fever?

    You'd think I was an *** if said that at the end of karate class, right?  When your teacher asked if there were any questions, I'm sure he was not questioning your sexual orientation.  And while there are plenty of homophobes in martial arts, because there are plenty of homophobes in the world period, there are plenty of people in the martial arts who don't care about that.  

    You are way too obsessed with your sexuality.  Your life should not be defined by what you do with your genitals.  ALL MEN NEED TO REMEMBER THIS.

  7. quit that school, go to another and dont tell them you are g*y if you want to be treated like a straight person

  8. Alot of people have problems with people that are g*y. They are starting to see you as only a g*y person. When you said it formally to the class you were basically announcing your new identity :(.

    I think that it will be very hard to change their opinions of you. If the instructor is discriminating against you then that means it is okay for anybody to do it. You should probably find a new dojo.

  9. aww! well first off, theyre evil! second off, you should show them there is nothing wrong with being g*y!! just be yourself silly :) dont worry :) everything will be okay :)

  10. Now that everyone knows you are g*y, sign up for the women's only karate class taught by women instructors. That way, no one will be suspicious if you lurk around the locker room.

    Anyway, if you are g*y, you will be happier going to some school that is more appropriate like, a hair styling school,interior decorating school, ballet school or figure skating school etc. Stereotypes can be useful rules of the thumb.

  11. Because he's an ill-informed a*****e... no offense but this guy sounds like a total homophobe... Where I come from that's a hate crime but unfourtunately not all places can be so lucky!

  12. we only have your word as to what he has said or done,theres 2 sides to every story.ppl shouldn't judge or make cooments about someone they dont know based on a question on the some one else said if you were heterosexual,bisexual,black,asian or whatever would you feel the need to stand in front of the class and FORMALLY announce it?

    i think your just an attention seeker.

  13. Honestly you probably should have kept it to yourself, maybe privately told the teacher and some students you are close to.  I have trained with g*y & L*****n and most of them time we knew it because of the way they acted, not because they announced it.  In fact some of them even brought their significant other to various events.  It really wasn't an issue mainly because it wasn't shoved in our face.

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