
Why does my kitten hate me?

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I have a 11 week old kitten, she's a precious girl, but she hates me. When I try to pet her she takes off like a bat outa h**l. She does however, watch me and seems interested in what I'm doing and she sleeps with me, in fact last nite she had her little head on my arm. I petted her a little bit. But she doesn't purr. I've been trying to gently come up to her when she is laying next to my other cat and just gently petting her and not picking her up. She seems to like that, but I really don't know what else to do. My other 2 cats love me and whereever I am they are and they come to me when I call their names. In fact some how I've taught them to fetch. I don't know how I did this but both of them fetch like dogs. So I'm just wondering, will she always be this way? Is there some way I can show her that she can trust me and my husband? Is there a training method that I could use? OK thank you!




  1. If i were you i would just play with her, shes a kitten they love to play and she doesn't really have much of a choice but to like you (sooner or later), she's going to know you for a very long time... Just keep in mind that she is a kitten and as she gets older, she'll relax more and instead of playing she'll want attention. I hope i helped, and good luck! =)

  2. Kittens, cats and dogs are not capable of "hate" so that's not what's going on here.  You don't mention where you got this kitten.  My guess is she has not had a lot of socialization with people so she's frightened of them.  When you're lying down, she's not perceiving you as a threat.  I have 2 cats who are now 8 yrs old that were feral (wild) kittens when I took them in.  They were terribly frightened of people for quite some time when I took them in.  Over the years, they've got better but usually still run if I try to approach them.  If they approach me, they're fine.  My suggestion to you is to just try to understand this cat was probably not socialized with people when it was a younger kitten and because of this, she's distrustful.  She will get better in time but she may never be as social as your other 2 cats.  It's not yours or her fault, it's just a fact of her life.  Just accept her the way she is and continue to try to gain her trust.  Don't force her to be with you if she doesn't want to as this will only reinforce her belief that she shouldn't trust people.  Let her come to you and when she does, give her lots of affection.  Accept her as she is.

  3. Some cats have a bit different personality and I don't think from what you have said your kitten hates you.  It sounds like the kitten isn't too keen on being stroked too much.  My cat can bea bit temperamental, one minute she is fast asleep on me and the next when I try to give her a cuddle she runs a mile.

    At 11 weeks she will take time to be extra loving and maybe you are forgetting how long it took your other cats to get to where they are now.  I would just continue to read the kittens signals.  If she runs away or gets her back up then just stop.  It will slowly make her warm to you more and more.

  4. have you had her since birth (a litter of your other cats) or from a pet shop, rescued? trauma could be the cause, if she as been abused before you got her that could do it. Also check chemicals round the house. I know dog shampoo can kill cats and it causes seizures as well as severe anger issues so make sure if you have dogs that you dont use that! best bet would be to take her to a vet and get looked at, if she is hurt she will act out as well. A cat will purr when they are relaxed, comfortable and feel safe so something is worrying her.

  5. Just like people, all cats of all ages have their own personalities, attitudes, likes and dislikes. Your kitten may always be shyer than your other cats, and she may seldom purr or cuddle with you in the way you'd like her to, but this doesn't mean she doesn't love you and isn't attached to you emotionally. I found my cat Hannah under a car in the Home Depot parking lot as a kitten, after she'd been hit by a car; and for all of her nine years, she never liked to be picked up and carried, or to be petted for more than a few moments, but no living creature ever loved me more or was more devoted to me than my sassy girl was. She'd howl on the toilet every single morning of her life while I was in the shower, because she didn't want me to leave her, and whenever anyone in our family spoke especially sharply to me she'd get between us and growl like a little dog! My Manx was the most slobberingly adoring & affectionate cat I have ever had, but when Hanny died miserably of cancer last year it left me with the ugliest wound on my heart that will never truly heal. Be patient, gentle and tolerant with your sweet kitten, accept her as she is and accept the love she gives you in whatever form it takes, and you will have a happy & devoted friend for many, many years.      

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