
Why does my kitten l**k me before I put her to sleep?

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Everytime I know that my kitten is sleepy, i put her on my tummy and pet her. Then she always crawls up to my neck and start l*****g me. Sometimes it kinda gets annoying because it starts to hurt. so i put her to my side and let her l**k my hands. is my cuddling to her and letting her sleep on me bad?




  1. SHE LOVES u  

  2. She's giving you a nightly bath...literally, she is trying to get you ready for bed too.  This is common for cats who have just been released from their family as they all took care of each other.  This is what her mother did for her and what she is doing for her "kitten"  And no, cuddling and letting her sleep with you is not bad...

  3. No way,let her sleep with you ..I slept with more cats  then you can imagine,,being  a great cat lover..LOL...Sometimes  they like to l**k the salt from our  skin,,or maybe  she was taken from her mom  too early.. I had as  amny as 7 cats  in bed with me when my parents  had teh farm,I even tried to sneak a few lambs  in as  well >>LOL...Anywyas  ,,yes  she is  just showing you she loves  you  and is  content on being  beside you

  4. I suspect your kitten got very good socialization experiences when she was very young.  Cats and kittens live in a world of scents, and in l*****g you, she is imprinting 'you' in her mind.

    One of my kittens (now almost one year old) cannot hold her 'l****r'.  And as she gets older, the rough tongue can really hurt, although in sort of a nice way.  She may outgrow much of it.

    Cuddle with her, and let her on the bed (some cannot keep their cat off the bed anyway), and keep giving her love.  At least that is what I would do.  You will have to decide if you want to gently discourage her l*****g, as it can become rough.

  5. often when kittens purr, they get hungry or thirsty.  tht is what they do with their mothers

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