
Why does my knee and sometimes other part of my legs hurt afer running or walking?

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I am 13 year old male 5'3 100 pounds normal for my age and height when I walk or run my knee or sometimes my thigh starts to hurt and I don't know why its been like this for a few months I think (or more) Like it hurts every step I take on the legs usually its one leg not both but sometimes it is both legs. Anyone know what the problem could be?




  1. Uh get it checked out with a doctor. I wouldn't ask someone over the internet.

  2. could be shoes, and can someone answer my question

  3. It could be something as silly as your feet being just a bit off ( ex. over pronation).  If it keeps up, you should go see a podiatrist.  

    I was having pain in my foot, and then in my shin after a while, and I went to my foot doctor.  He said I has plantar fasciitis and fit me with some insoles.  Now, I'm fine and running up to 12 km at a time.

    He told me that if I didn't have my gait corrected, the pain could have kept moving up to my knees and hips.  He was really informative and helpful.

  4. I am not a doctor or physician, but I am guessing you have been taking your workouts to heavily and need to take it easy for a while.  Meaning don't run your usual [insert number here] hours/minutes cut the time down or take it slower.

    Also, you need to stretch better before AND after you run.

    If this doesn't work consult your doctor immediately.

  5. How thorough are you stretching beforehand?

  6. you may have a lose muliscus or your fibula you should go to the steadman halkins hospital. they will that your x-ray. and put you in pysical therapy. my sister, dad, and i both had the same problem.

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