
Why does my knee crackle when I move my leg?

by  |  earlier

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I am a runner, and have iced when I experienced pain as well as use a brace. I am not in pain any more and I still run but my knee is acting weird.. it's like when I move my leg up, the knee feels and sounds like crackling. I mostly feel some discomfort and weakness on the outside of my knee... Can I fix this? how?




  1. does your knee also snap and pop?  if so, create three lovable characters and market it

  2. hey Jess,  I have the same problem with my ankles. Mine came from several ankle injuries while playing football.  The doctor told me it's nothing serious.  If it's swollen ice...if in pain take over the counter pain meds.... I don't play football anymore and the crackling noise has decrease.  They "pop" the first two three steps I take then nothing.  Try running in grass or softer ground, to help take some shock off your knee.  I would stop running for a week or so.  When you get med insurance go see the doctor just in case it's something more.  good luck  

  3. well i've never heard of stretching a knee but try strechting a little more and if it continues maybe you should see a doctor - but i wouldn't worry :)

    good luck.

  4. Well,the cracking is nothing to be worried about. It does NOT cause arthritis,and it can't harm you,only maybe annoy you.

    There is synovial fluid in between all joints to prevent the bones rubbing off of each other. Sometimes air bubbles form in the synovial fluid,and when the burst,they make a cracking or popping noise. This is the source of your cracking.

    As for the pain,I don't realli know what to say. How about doing some knee exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee,and this would help with the weakness.

    My advise to you would be to go to the doctor for a professional opinion,and take his/her advise.

    Best of luck with it all!!!!!


  5. why do you ask yahoo?

    ask doctor.

  6. i suffer from arthritis in my knee also used to have cartilage trouble and get much the same problem sounds a bit like your cartilage is giving you problems

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