
Why does my knee pop out all the time??

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Why does my knee pop out all the time??

my left knee always pops out and when it does it hurts super bad!

its happen about 6 times. the most recent one was about 3 or 4 wks ago. and it still hurts when i bend it and it noticeably bigger than the other one.

when it happens i just fall to ground like someone hit it with a crow bar.

whats wrong with it?




  1. please go to the docter it could be arthiritus but thats abnormal

  2. I'm sorry am not a doctor and wouldn't know what to tell you other than Go see your doctor ASAP!  that doesn't sound normal, and if it's been hurting for that long it's usually not a good sign.

  3. I had this, one it wouldnt go back in and because of health and saftey they called an ambulance... anyway I had to go to physio, they told me if I had left it I was close to having an operation. The outside of your leg muscles are much stronger than the inside so they pull it out.

    Hope this helps

  4. I have the same problem! It happens to me whenever my knee is bent and I'm only putting pressure on that one leg (I'm standing on one foot) and I'm unbalanced. When it happens to me I can feel my knee twisting and clicking inside. It has happened to me like 8 times. But fortunately i am going to the doctor tomorrow to see if it is fixable or something. So you should definitely go to the doctor and they will tell you exactly what it happening.  

  5. usually on each joint of your body( shoulders, knees and thighs) you have some lubricative fluids called synovial fluids that keep your joints lubricated so the bones will slide on each other smoothly instead of rubbing on eavh other causing less friction; it is thick with egg-like consistency

    you could have your sinovial fluid dryed at that area and this cause pain upon exertion and friction you will feel also more pain in winter and called weather.

    this happen due to inflammation of the joint or excessive exertion if you are an athletic or ibese( more pressure on your joints)

    you need to be checked by a doctor and sometimes they will give you an injection of cortisone in your knee to help it work again and to clear inflammation if you have any.

    there is another term called cavitation: this will happen when you snap your fingers for example or your create more space between the joints forcing the naturally dissolved gazes in synovial fluid to expand to fill up the space between tow joints causing more popping and pain. this condition is treated by ultrasonic waves to the affected area if condition is severe microscopic vacuming is required.  

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