
Why does my leg spazz??

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Whenever I wake up in the morning and stretch my leg (these last couple of days), it usually feels like I'm pulling a muscle...but my calf hardens...and tears literally roll down my cheeks from the pain.

I discovered that once I put my foot on the ground...the pain instantly goes away....

But in a couple of hours...the muscle almost feels sore.

What is this from? Why does my calf muscle do that?




  1. They are muscle/leg cramps.

    You can do calf stretches before you go to bed.  It is also not recommended that you stretch your muscles first thing when you wake up.  You should wait at least 15 minutes, and stand up to get the circulation going in your body before stretching.

    If the problem persists, see your doctor to make sure there isn't an underlying cause for these cramps.

  2. ur muscles are tight and when it tightens ur gettin a charlie horse

  3. Charlie horse/growing pains.

    Eat more potassium in your diet. If you decide to take a supplement, take at bedtime, should absorb better. Bananas, dates, good sources of potassium. Extra potassium is dumped, so you just about can't overdo it.

    After working out, or alot of walking, your muscles are stretched. Then, they constrict, like a rubberband. Instant relief is for someone to push all of your toes back, at once, while your leg is straight.

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