
Why does my lesson horse meet me at the gate but not my instruct-er?

by  |  earlier

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I've been riding for five years and when I had my first lesson Arrow (Lesson horse) came to me but not my teacher...why?




  1. Horses are very nosey and he probably was like hey, a new person lets see whats going on.

    and horses know when a person is a kind animal/horse lover and they really respond to those kinds of people.

    another thing is said that a horse chooses its rider, this horse chose you, it liked you.

    The same thing happend when i went to look at a  horse that i might buy. The owner and i went into the stall and the horse stood next to me and nuzzled me, didn't care when she left but was upset when i did. And she was awful for other people who looked at her. its kinda like she knew i loved horses, she would be safe with me, she picked me and then i bought her! and today i love that horse to death!

    Horses are smart animals, Arrow knew you were a good person and he was a little nosey and wanted to find out exactly what you were doing Lol

  2. i agree...  I have to get to the lesson a half hour early to get my horse ready while my instructor shows up a couple minutes before the lesson's supposed to start.  And then she leaves as soon as it's over.  I mean, I know I'm a pretty self sufficient adult (sorta) but honestly...  she doesn't tell me who to ride...  i just go and pick out which lesson horse I want to ride today...  it doesn't matter if the horses are out or in...  it doesn't matter when one's sick and i don't know i'm not supposed to ride him...  she just expects me to be ready when she gets there.

    I teach lessons and I know I teach much younger people or much more beginners, but I would never expect the students to be ready and do everything themselves.

    even if i am a self sufficient student, it's nice to have an instructor there just in case there's any problems...  i mean what happens if i can't catch the horse or if i notice the horse is lame or something...  or if the tack is missing...  or even to have an instructor just to talk to.

    horses are smart...  they know their job...  they know why you're there.  but also, they're happy to see you.  they like to come check you out.  they're interested in you whereas a lot of instructors are pretty self involved and care more about themselves than the students...  they tend to forget why they're teaching: it's for the students.  Horses know what they're gonna do when they see a student arrive.

  3. Arrow was porbably curious to see you, the new comer.  Arrow was trying to figure out whether you are friend or foe.  The instructor is so familiar that she/he doesn't pose a threat like you might have.

  4. Just goes to show that Arrow is taking the job much more seriously than your instructor.

  5. maybe because u r new and horses can be very curious sometimes they will be wondering who r u and y are u here,but with the teacher he knows he is going to work. some horses like to work but most of them will try anything to just get out of it. they are nosy but know what to do to get out of work. horses choose who they like. one of my horses loves me but will pin her ears back at anyone who comes near her or even me. horses are not dumb they are very smart animals and each one has a different personalty.

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