
Why does my life suck all the time?

by  |  earlier

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All my vehicles don't run right. I bought a truck a few weeks ago, and it died on me today. So, I am left stranded on the interstate for 10 HOURS with no food or water until one of my buddies could help me. No one on the interstate decided to pull over to see what was the problem, that's how important they are I guess. Now I am stuck driving my piece of **** Trans am again that probably wont run anyway. I have to drive 50+ miles a day and cant afford to fix my ******* vehicles. Yes, I am in automotives, but I can't ******* afford to pay out the *** prices. **** vehicles man, I've had it with them. I have no patience or time to fix them.




  1. There's no future in trucking .It's too Cut-throat.

    Get out of it & try something else -even if you have to file for bankruptcy.

    A run of bad luck is quite normal & happens to most people sometime.

    Remember as 'Honest Abe'  said "This too shall pass"

    & if you come through this you'll be stronger.

  2. You need to look at life optimistically and not be such a skeptical, pessimistic person.  You believe that your life sucks all the time because your cars "don't run right" or because you were stranded on the interstate.    Others are stuck in the hospital for life and can't eat for the rest of their lives, only living on IVs.  Others don't even know what it is to drive and have never had the opportunity to because of illnesses, diseases, or economical situations that prevent them from doing so.  You have to drive 50 miles a day?  How about those who don't drive at all, who have never stepped behind the wheel not because they don't want to, but because of something that was never their choice, something with which they were born, something that God gave them.  How about those that don't live to see the age of 1?  What life did they have?  Their parents?  My baby cousin died last year at 2 days about that family?  Why the baby?  Why should she have been born with a whole in her heart and die immediately? Why should have the mom carried her full term and lose her right away?  That sucks..not that you don't have a car or temporarily can't drive.

    The world doesn't revolve around you, and if you're so pessimistic, why should anyone stop and help you?  The way you have your problems, everyone else does, and heads up, more severe than waiting in traffic or fixing their cars.  And how do you know those people weren't driving to hospitals, to deliver a baby, to their work, just like you try to?  Your life, you solve your problems.  Don't expect anyone else to do your dirty work.

    And, why didn't you call highway patrol or the police?  I'm sure they would have come out in less than 10 hours.  Police leaves right away.

    You make yourself happy, not cars, traffic, or money.  Change your mentality, and then maybe life won't suck.  

  3. ten out of ten normal americans would tell you to pray and ask jesus for help. You could do that. That will do nothing.

    This american will tell you to appeal instead to satan, for he is the master of this world and can help you if you but ask.

  4. take it easy



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