
Why does my life suck?

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Why are some people famous, have all the money have everthying, and some people have nothing?




  1. I'd suggest applying yourself a little more.

  2. Oh, thats what you think.

    Nobody has nothing,

    Normal people have families, problems they learn from, independence, dignity, privacy, friends, husbands/wifes they dont divource from.

    Famous people, well its just the opposite.

    They don't have to learn anything, they can get anything, and think they pay no consequences.

    They rip away from their families, they divource all the time, small things turn into magazine cover scandals, they can't go to the bathroom without swimming over papparaazi.

    They have all the money to buy material things, but there are somethings you can't buy, that unfortunely for them, are the most important.

    That is what happens when power is givin to someone who never learned life's most basic lessons

  3. Well you're in luck buddy. You're reading the intellectual musings of the most successful russian translator in america. Yeah, I work for the Us government on occasion but I like to spend most of my time on my expensive yacht my daddy bought for me when i was twelve. Oh perhaps I forgot to mention I am extremely wealthy. I also attended Columbia University AND Cambridge in London (which daddy had to pull a few strings for) and I graduated with HONORS. Yes, that's right, i was the youngest graduate. Wait i think i forgot to mention that I have thirteen chateaus in France. I would invite you to visit me in my summer home but you're probably really poor and disgusting. I used to be good friends with johnny depp until i bought his house and evicted him to live in a cheap (15 million dollars) mansion.. Ugh the place he lives in now is disgusting...a house of peasants.

  4. Well because they have or had a gift..Everyone has a gift you just have to find out what it is....And the ritch have there problems to...Cause I mean we dont know them for real why juge them?...Dont think of the bad and what u dont have..Try and think about what u do have...I know it does'nt seem fair.Hopefully justice will be served for all.

  5. Coz they went out and worked, bled, ate and breathed what they wanted until they got it. They clawed their way to the top. If God meant for you to be rich and famous you would be. Stop worrying about it and do something already. They never let anyone tell them they couldn't make it. All the Haters, look who is laughing now...If U want it go get it. Don't boo hoo about it and sit on your computer wasting your life away and then wonder why life's opportunities passed you by. Quit worrying about what others have, and worry about you. Some have it by luck, others by talent, others slept their way to the top. Fact is they did something to make it happen, you can't expect the opportunity to be handed to you on a silver platter. You only think it sucks because society says you should have all these things to be someone, and to be successful. That's c**p!!!

  6. because your outlook on life is horrible.

    and famous people are rich because they were paid to be famous. Same goes for doctors, lawyers, stock investors, etc. They all became rich because they worked for it.

    If you have nothing, then you aren't trying. Finish high school. Go to college. Get a job.

  7. i think it's waay better not being famous..cause if you are then they don't give you privacy :)

  8. Because you are a loser. The people with the money are winners, there is a difference. Is this related to the other question you asked within 30 sec of asking this one "How to get a white girl to like you??"?

    Maybe it is because you are a racist bigot and think that there really is a difference that is attributed to skin color that determines how one person thinks and how another person thinks. Its all in your head moron.

  9. i agree with shade!!

  10. ok why do you seem like your "emo" life sucks. if you wanted to have money then why dont you get a job. people who are rich work hard and get that money. get off there *** and do something

  11. They don't have everything they just have fame and money.

  12. Because you don't deserve it, you miserable freak.

  13. lifes a b*tch and then you die

  14. They have nothing because they sit around asking strangers why their life sucks instead of actively going out and doing everything possible to improve it.

    Others are wealthy and famous because they went out there and took risks to achieve that wealth and fame, and didn't whinge when they inevitably failed the first times but got up and kept trying.

  15. because your in your chair starring at the computer and waiting for hope..  

  16. Life is just not fair, baby.  

    However, a lot of those rich famous people aren't happy.  Look at Britney.  Her life has sucked hard core.

  17. simple:those who have it all work hard for what they got & about to get,LOSERS only winge but do nothing.

  18. because the unhappy people keep a crappy attitude about things.

  19. life is simple . but we still seem to make it hard for ourselfs ..  here try this !! brightin the h**l up !! :P you only live once.

  20. You get out of life... what you put into it.

    Sit back and feel like  the world owes you something, and you'll get exactly that.


  21. Lack of drive to change your current situation. At least that is what it is for me.  


  23. You are the captain so to speak of your destination.. You put out into the universe whether you are aware to not what you want to get back...

    Read the Secret and you will understand... You bring it on yourself

    Here is an example: Why do bad people get everything? Because they put out to the universe that they want everything and if the desire is great enough it comes to them

  24. The only reason you think your life sucks is because its based on money and you dont take time to appriciate the good moments in your life.

  25. Fame, money and "everything" won't cure you from having a life that "sucks". What sucks is having a bad attitude about the events that happen in your life (day to day, second to second). I have met really poor people who are always happy, feel grateful to be alive and love to talk and share their time with others.

    The best way to start get away from that spot is to make an effort and connect with others, help out people who need you, stop thinking about yourself and open up to all those souls around you. Your presence in this world is more important than anything you could imagine.  

  26. Life isn't all about fame, power, money. What about the love? You probably have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and atleast 3 hot meals a day. PLUS you are surrounded by people that love you. God cut you some slack. You're life doesn't suck, there people who are worse off.

  27. Your life sucks because of your perception.  Lower your standards and expectations and you will soon realize your life is amazingly interesting.

  28. it is just how the world goes buddy

  29. because you touch yourself at night

  30. Famous people are rich because they have some sort of talent or they're hot. Others don't have money cause they didn't go to highschool.

  31. luck and they where in the right place at the right time  
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