
Why does my little brother grow?(he's 14 in 2 months and only 5'2)???

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He is in outstanding shape and an extremely good athlete(football,basketball,baseball,lac... but the only thing holding him back from being great is that hes so small. He eats Very healthy. His Grandfathers were 6'5 and 6'2 and im 6'0 but hes really short. Hes gonna start football in about a week and practice with the seniors(my grade) and is gonna get his *** kicked lol.




  1. maybe hes a late bloomer give him time

  2. He is only 14. Watch if you have all those tall genes in your family he is going to have a growth spurt. He is so young I wouldn't worry about it. He is still growing

  3. hey im gonna be 14 in 2 months and im only 5'2. lol i know im very short but my mom is so that's where i get it from. As for your brother he should ask his doctor about celiac disease. my friend has it. it is an allergy to wheat (basically your stomach cannot digest wheat so you don't grow) anyways at this age i dont think it's that big of a deal that he's only 5'2 but in a couple of years if he's still short he should talk to his doctor.

  4. Umm... i guess its normal there is this guy in my school he is turning 14 this october And i am very sure he is shorter than that :))

  5. he'll grow, give him time.

    Some boys just grow a little slower than other ones.

    5'2 isnt TOO bad for that age, although he should be a little taller

  6. umm hunny? where does he grow? if your talkin about down there then he has pleeeeeeentyyyyy more years (: trust the master.

    but if your talking about his body, then give the poor sprout a chance, im sure he will get a growth spurt soon since he is at that agee where he starts puberty (: ! :)!

    as always,


    tell that little cutie good luck for me(:

  7. My brother is 14 and is 6'3 almost 6'4

    he used to not be this tall at all.

    when he was like 12 1/2 he just started growing...a lot. lol

    But, your brother probably hasn't hit a growth spurt yet. He'll probably go through one soon.

    Cause my brother went through like two or three and he grew like a foot in a year.

    I know that sounds impossible, but it happened.

    So, your bro will probably hit a growth spurt.

    Though he might not grow that tall.

    We have really tall people in our family.

    (ex: 6'4, 6'7, and even 7'0)

    Oh, and I'm the oldest by 15 months, and I'm 5'4.

    There's only three people in my family who are short and that is me, my mom, and my great grandma (she's still alive)

    So, not all older siblings are the tallest. My mom is the oldest of her two brothers who are 6'4 and 6'7 and she's 5'3

  8. he may be just a late bloomer

  9. it's because always the older sibling is the tallest even when both reach like over 18 the older sibling will be taller  

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